Group 2 chapt 5-9 response 3

The Sailor and Dracula

This storm…it was like nothing I had ever seen. The waves were like mad men foaming at the mouth and the skies were like darkened eyes rolling back from some demonic enchanting. I curse this wretched ship. I knew this was a horrid idea, a voyage doomed from the start. Yet for the sake of my family, I press on. Curse the day poverty was created! And let heaven above protect me. It was my night to keep the ship in order as we sailed on. Walking about on this deck, like a balance beam, at least was a fun thing to keep the storm from ravaging my mind. All things are as they should be, tied and secured…but somehow I feel as if I’m being watched. “Who could be out here?” I wondered. Not a soul, and quickly dashed the thought from my mind. However from the corner of my eye I had seen a shadow that moved ever so quickly. “Maybe I truly am going mad…curse this storm, and the night’s watch. I pray the morning and her blossoms of sun come quickly.” Suddenly I heard a small hiss…and as I turned, to my horror, there was a tall, slender, serpent of a man bending over me. All of me, had frozen, and if I had strength to die of a fright I would. My eyes beheld long sharp canine teeth as of a viper. And as he held me with iron arms, he quickly bent down and bit me. “He bit me. He bit me. What devil, THE DEVIL bit me…” my mind thought. I could do nothing but cry as he drained my life from my veins. In my last heaving breath I prayed “Lord if you can hear me, take my soul.”

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