Brian Chan Group 1 — Connect

In the story, we see that Stoker shifts to very different sort of narrative letters about the friendship between Lucy and Mina. First we learn that the women are best friends. Lucy is married to Arthur and Mina is married to Johnathon.  We see in the story that the Mina likes Lucy with “all the moods and tenses of the verb”. This means she loves Lucy in the lovey dovey way. I think this means Mina is bisexual, since she loves Lucy and is married to Johnathon. As for Lucy, she has a thing going on with men. There are about 3 men who want Lucy as their partner. She wants to marry them all, even though that is messed up in today’s world. In terms of internal struggles, I feel that Johnathon’s doesn’t mirror those of Lucy’s. Lucy faces a problem of lovers and lust while Johnathon is straight up dealing with a vampire who wants to take over the world with his own race of undead. Lucy’s subplot foreshadows the intrusion of Gothic themes into her story by giving away hints that are obvious to us. Hints such as being ill, having 2 bite marks on the neck, and glowing red eyes is a dead giveaway. (Pun intended) People don’t have glowing red eyes, even if they’re sick so we know something is up. Since Lucy has 2 bite marks on her neck and is up at night, does that mean she got rabies from an animal bite? We don’t know yet and that gives us an idea that maybe, just maybe some Gothic themes are going to occur.

One thought on “Brian Chan Group 1 — Connect”

  1. I suspected something was a little awkward with Mina and Lucy. The fact that she undresses her and cares so much about Lucy’s appearance of her rosy cheeks. Though she talks about Johnathan quite a lot, saying she misses him, she also brushes it aside and goes right on about Lucy.

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