Blog#4_Self Evaluation

In the middle of my internship (nearly 80 hours),  I would like to do a self evolution. I will do another one at the end and trying to see did I change or not.

At this moment I would say that we all did a great job as an intern. I couldn’t say I did a good job because I was working in a team with Tyrah and Shahana. I need to give credits to my team members as well. I said that we did a good job because all of us aren’t experienced like TK or Edwin. But we worked out as a team. Tk gives us a lot of freedom in our work. She let us have our decision-making, she often said: “I don’t know. You are the boss here, you show us what is the best solution to these problems. I’m here to look at them and approve them”. So I was having freedom of picking colors, fonts, and ways to present the work. I know that I have been kept saying that I’m glad that we made it out as a team. It’s because all of us are still in college, we are busy with traffic, class, projects, and the job itself. When everything is happening on the same day it’s very harsh. So we understand each other’s situation and we take each other’s roles and shifts to try to make things soft if it’s necessary.

Talking about communication, if I being miss informed by TK, I would just snap TK a text message and ask her for clarification. If TK is very busy and she doesn’t reply, Then I go to Shahana or Tyrah and ask them about it.

Here’s one of the conversations that I have with Shahana asking about the meeting that has been hosted in the Brooklyn Navy Yard.