Entry#2_Ethical Assignment


To be honest, I have used someone else’s creative work before. At that time, I don’t think that was a problem. It’s because I’m only using it for homework purposes and I will never use it for commercial purposes. Also, many professors told me that, you can use anything online. Since you are using it for an educational purpose and you will not profit from it. So I have used someone’s work before until I took advanced image editing. When I took image editing, we are required to use our own work. We have to take our own photo and use it to edit. I remember professor Lcarr teaching us a lesson in copyright. I learn the importance of giving credit and citing resources. So I started to site and give credits to people, the work that put it in my portfolio stated where I got the photo from and what typeface I have used.


The outcome of Ms. Fairey’s case didn’t really surprise me a lot. It’s because I know copyright is a big problem in the creative world and it happens a lot. Most of the time the outcome of violating copyright is to pay the actual dollar amount of damages and profits. However, I didn’t know that violating the copyright will put you in prison. He got put in prison for six months for saying that he owns the photograph.

I think this case is very important to the creative world because the penalties for violating are serious in this case. Not just paying the fee, you will be getting in prison. So the case gives a serious example of don’t try to violate copyright.

“Shepard Fairey And AP Settle Copyright Dispute Over ‘Hope’ Poster.” Npr, 2011, www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2011/01/12/132860606/shepard-fairey-and-ap-settle-copyright-dispute-over-hope-poster.