Blog#9_ What I learned as an intern

In the middle of my internship, I learned more about copyrights and a bit of finance. I learned more about copyright because Moving past a million has brought fewer stock photos than I think. I remember one of my journals before I wrote about that. I ask Tk about do we have stock photos for our deliverables and she said we have some. But when I take a look at the files, there’s not enough for the number of pages that we are going to create and some of the photos don’t even fit our scenario. So, I searched a lot of websites for photos and I was thinking about can I use these photos in the deliverables. Or, if I use it will I get in trouble due to copyright. It’s because I heard of copyrights before in class. However, I don’t know copyright very well. Such as what are the penalties, how is copyright developed and where does copyright exist. So I took a look into copyright. I realized that copyright was being developed the moment someone took the photo. To use a photo that was created by someone I have to give credit to the person. If you have used something copyrighted, you will be charged for work infringed. This is what I learned while I’m making the deliveries.

The second thing that I learned was financing. I went through a few meetings about how to finance and invest with Tk during our daily meeting session. Since the program and my supervisor, Tk is more towards the business side. So she taught me how to do finance, investment, and save money as a young adult. I would comment on Tk as a nice supervisor who is trying her best to help you as an intern, and try to give tips to you to have a better future.