It Taste Foriegn

imag1674imag1660imag1661imag1662imag1667imag1668On Saturday November 5 I visited the smorgasbord with my brother. it was an awesome temperature, the sky was clear at one point and we enjoyed walking around and eating at the smorgasbord. there was a small amount of people per vendor roughly 12 individuals occupied a vendor at different times as well as the others. Most of the vendors sold the healthier version of what my brother and I eat around Brooklyn, others sold dishes that I preferred not to put in my mouth one being fish tacos. Its exactly like the name describes fish taco I wouldn’t eat it because they drenched a fish in avocado and I strongly dislike avocado. Anyone ever heard of lobster mac n’ cheese for some reason that sounded funny to me. The way the menus were set up at each vendor had me using my imagination to guess what the dish would look like so even though I had to try something different I also had to be careful of what I picked.

The vendor we decided to try was called lumpia shack it had something familiar about it so we tried it out. Unfortunately we didn’t have enough money to buy multiple dishes to try so we were restricted to one dish. The food was a little more expense compared to what we are use to. So the dish we tried was one we could customize with the ingredients they provided. Its a build your own BBQ bowl. We picked cold rice noodles, no spice, fried farm egg, and free ranged  chicken. The dish looked like a vegan noodle bowl with meat and fried egg. The chicken was cooked with a blowtorch along with the fried egg, it was funny and a weird cooking style that most of the vendors used.  The chicken was juicy, chewy, with sweet chilly sauce, white meat well done, the noodles were cold and tasteless but the sweet sauce they added to it made it taste good and were limp but firm. The salad was soft, healthy lime green, chewy and accompanied with a sweet sauce as well. the kale however was terrible hard to chew was drenched in a funny tasting oil and taste bad I couldn’t eat it. One addition to the bowl looked like pale beets, small circles, and tasted like a lighter version of the Mac Donald’s sweet chilly sauce. It didn’t taste bad but I wouldn’t eat it often. There was a small amount of gravy at the bottom of the bowl probably the run off of all the sauce they put on the salad. The dish was accompanied by lemonade from another vendor called red hook lobster pound lobster rolls which had a lemony taste and had a decent amount of sugar. The bowl looked similar to a Japanese dish called Naruto ramen which I love to eat.

The dish was 18$ in a medium size bowl with a diameter of 7 1/2 inches across the top and a height of about 3 1/2 inches, But it wasn’t big enough to be 18$. The most unusual vendor was fish taco because I never thought you could combine fish and tacos and mac n’ cheese lobster. The people my brother and I saw were Caucasian mostly, Chinese, Indian. Some were with family consisting of the parents children and elderly others were couples and one other black person besides me and my brother which was a chef. The employees at lumpia shack had a neat organized station everything was clear and tidy when not preparing orders, the ingredients were kept in separate containers and when they were cooking or handled the food they wore gloves. There was not must of a difference between how the vendors handled their food, it was like they worked under one manager that applied the same policies. Lumpia shack just like all the other vendors and crazy expensive prices on their dishes.

My brother and I enjoyed the experience at smorgasbord. Weather as perfect and couldn’t have wished for it to be any better. The employee that served us was nice and was very interested in my assignment and wish me luck. What would have made the experience better would be if I didn’t have a stomach ache headache and my eyes weren’t hurting.

One thought on “It Taste Foriegn

  1. Michael Krondl

    Lots of good information here. Bringing your personality into this is helpful in making it come to life. i do wish you had spent a little more time organizing the material though. I get a little lost at times. And do watch the grammar and spelling, starting with the title! And the reader may wonder where this “smorgasbord” you speak of is.


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