Field Trip Post-Juan Torres

Sustainability is the idea of being able to use a resource over again and to maintain a good amount of resources available. This past week Monday professor Krondl took us to the Brooklyn Navy Yard to see the garden on the rooftop. On that rooftop City Tech had space to plant vegetables. Though it wasn’t just City Tech who planted vegetables their. There were many planted there alongside with live chickens and compost being made there to fertilize the soil. One of the essential features of this small garden rooftop is that it collects the majority of water that comes as it rains. The rain used to be a bigger problem before this rooftop garden as most of the runoff went into the sewage system and went into the waters unfiltered. But now most of that water is being collected by the garden.

This garden has an idea of sustainability as the crops can be grown again and again over a period of time. Though compared to the huge land masses in the other coast this garden produces nothing. The farms on the other coast provide fruits, vegetables, cattle and livestock. In the New York Times article ” Super Size” it shows production lines of these farms and how much they produce yearly Alongside the film we saw in class it shows the different production of foods, especially corn as it’s a big ingredient in many products. In the article “Big Food Strikes Back” by the New York Times talk about the big food corporations and how they want to keep the old practices that they have used. While it may not seem the most healthiest.



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