Field Trip Blog – Xiaoqing Wu

On October 17th, Professor Krondl brought us to Brooklyn Grange. It was a place has established rooftop farming since 2010. The Brooklyn Grange rooftop farming plants many kind of organic vegetables, such as, carrots, lettuces, tomatoes, etc. They have very good soil from Pennsylvania, and they recycle all the dead plants as natural fertilizers. They also have a wonderful automatic watering system to water plants. And, those are the reason why Brooklyn Grange can produce about 50,000 lbs of vegetables each year. Throughout the trip, I learnt how they run their farming in an environmental-friendly way.

However, this sort of rooftop farming is very different from the conventional farming. First, the size of this rooftop faming is much smaller than the conventional farming, which their output must less than the conventional farming. According to the article from the New York Time, Supersize, “Tanimura & Antle produced 740,000 tons of produce in 2015.”  Obviously, it is a huge different output between Tanimura & Antle and Brooklyn Grange.  Furthermore, this sort of rooftop farming is more focusing on organic planting. However, some big conventional farming like Tanimura & Antle are still using pesticides and chemical fertilizers to plant their foods healthier.

In United State, the sustainability of agriculture is decreasing, because president Obama didn’t release any new valuable acts to help the industry grow, and he didn’t fulfill his promise on further developing modern agriculture. In addition, the sustainability of agriculture is effected by the oligopolies, food concern, and climate. To solve these problems, the U.S government should help the small farming to extend their producing size which to provide low-interested loan for the small farming business. Furthermore, the food producer should use less pesticides and chemical fertilizers to keep their food safe. Reducing pollution can improve global warming. So, we should work together to reduce environmental pollution from our dairy use.

One thought on “Field Trip Blog – Xiaoqing Wu

  1. Michael Krondl

    A generally insightful summary of the situation. Do make sure that the readers can understand everything that you write even if they have not read the Pollan article. (Who are Tanimura & Antle?.) And don’t forget to proofread!


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