Progress has been made as I have done more sketches and the form I do when I’m in college. I basically make a new canvas, make four squares and then I draw into them like thumbnail sketches. Then I take these thumbnail sketches for approval to Oscar to see what he is thinking and what he thinks is the most effective. I have also shown Jerry some of my work and sketches and we have a decent amount of discussion within the matter. Speaking of Jerry, he’s also been showing me his kind of work and we’ve been discussing that as well as a team effort. Down below you can see a series of sketches that I made which some have gotten approval and were taken to the final stage. 


It should be also known that whenever people share their work within the meeting, I ask them questions and see how much is Rich and I can get from them. It’s been a real pleasure working with other talented artists and graphic designers. I did tons of designs such as the sign of good buzz flowing in the wind for anybody else to see, I did that little flower design again but I had a plan to use the flower petals and replace them with dollar bills but I eventually scrapped it since I didn’t think that would become very good. I’ve also that simple graphic work such as put dots everywhere along with some text in order to keep its simplistic since Oscar did request that.


Although this method is pretty repetitive at first and most boring, it actually helps me a lot as a communication design major since I’m going to be doing this kind of thing in the future if I am able to work at a studio. Also it’s pretty informative that in the beginning he has shown videos of people doing this sort of thing and what happens within the business and how they were able to achieve it.