I found a week within this internship. It was definitely boring but also fun and interesting to be in. I guess I was a bit disappointed since this is my first internship and I have to be online due to this accursed pandemic. Nevertheless, I’m glad I get to share this experience with a lot of people and of course to put on my resume to show that I am capable.


If I were to evaluate myself, out of 10, I would give myself a 7 out of 10. If I were to evaluate myself on a specific entry of my project would be the flower drawing, I also give that a seven out of ten. I was honestly hoping to convey the message more vividly as I was always in the mindset of trying to get people to recognize the hidden message for them to go “Oh! That makes sense!” Also I gave myself this random chance because apparently I failed to realize and forgot to do some revisions to some of my projects. That unfortunately brought my grade down a bit as this is a mistake that I hope I won’t make in the future. In general, I believe I’ve done an amazing job with providing different kinds of utility and arts to the cause, but lacked any revisions that needed to be made. If I were to just listen to Oscar about that, my evaluation would be much higher. But now I know I should not make the same mistake again and to move forward to a brighter tomorrow.