I’m reversing my final days working for this company. I’m a nurse. Sketch out a few more and manage to do the finishing touches on a few graphic designs. I feel as if I somewhat handled and accomplished my duties rightfully and followed the guidelines according to my supervisors. I’ve definitely learned a lot about working within a group and working on my own in a collaboration. Honestly it’s a bit scary, but once you go out into the fields and really find more teams and reliable people for you to work with, then it becomes much of a cakewalk.


The rest of the designs I made that I barely mentioned were nothing that special since it was supposed to be simplistic. I have Sweeps for a Cause for everything since that was required just did some little graphic designs hair & there with some circles and lines and even did ones we’re in involved a finger actually sweeping. There was another personal one I did and it was called “One Swipe can make it right” and I was inspired by tender. Tender is a site in which you can go on and if you see something you like, you can swipe right to have a chat with them and so on. I have a feeling that if you swipe right to make it right, you’ll be doing more right in the world. It sounds really cheesy but it is the most effective in my opinion.