Week 13, Session 1 (Critique)


In groups of 3-4, share each other’s Magazines. Have one student take notes on this discussion board (please include group members names):

• Discuss the difference between your experience looking at the digital versions of the Type Book and Magazine versus handling the physical product.

• What were some things that didn’t turn out how you expected? Where there any happy mistakes?

Q3) Families of Type Recipe

Divide up into 5 groups (1 member to write post)

Instruction: First research your specific family in greater detail (what are some key characteristics) and then post answer to each question,

  1. Outline some key characteristics of your family (by comparing and contrasting on this page)
  2. Give one reason why your font family evolved (current events in culture and technology)
  3. Write a cookie recipe:

• Imagine you are baking a batch of cookies in the shape of each type family

• Write a recipe with a list of instructions (at least 4-5 instruction) as to how you would trim, elongate, cut negative shapes within, thin out, etc.

• Include a link to a picture, which you can point to while you are presenting your recipe

Resources to start with: Old Style • Transitional • Modern • Slab • San Serif