

• Course Syllabus

Amendment to Syllabus:

• Only 1 Excused Absence allowed for

1) a doctor’s note

2) more than a week in advanced notice of absence

• Allowed 15 minutes before counted as late

• Allowed one lateness-because-of-train freebee that won’t count towards absence tally

• Review Calendar

By John Kane
By John Kane

• Class collective glossary

How to transfer your projects to include its fonts

Typebook Rubric
Project #1 Rubric

Project #2 Rubric

Project #3 Rubric

Project #3 | Interactivity

How to export:


Project #2 | Magazine

Workshop Itinerary

1. Create “facing pages” (width) 5.5 in. by (height) 8.5in.


2. Figure out how many pages for each part of your outline

3. Create that number of pages in your InDesign file (save file as a name you will remember)

4. Thumbnails Sketches – based off of your outline and your anticipated spreads >> Sample outline to thumbnail <<


5. Master page

 – Grid (and gutter)

 – Page numbers

6. Style sheet

 – Typography for each categories of content

Three categories of content tested in relationship to each other in three different examples
Three categories of content tested in relationship to each other in three different examples

 – Color Scheme of up to 3 colors:

 Inspiring palettes by color here, by concept here

 Duotone effect with your color palette to help unify your magazine further:

7. Placing content images, text, text wrap, clipping mask,

8. Edits

 – Scaling, text wrap, fitting, clipping path, run around, grouping

9. Exporting

 – Resolution, packaging, binding

Project #2 ePortfolio Submission Page Sample w/ Instructions

Project #1 Type Book

Final Checklist (Type Book Assembly)

Type Book | Section 1 | Anatomy and Letterform

Type Book | Section 2 | Five Families of Type

Type Book | Section 3 | Variations

Type Book | Section 4 | Alignment

Type Book |Section 5 | Leading, Tracking, Kerning 

Type Book | Section 6 | Type on a Path

TypeBook | Section 7 | Legibility: Color

TypeBook | Section 8 | Hierarchy

TypeBook | Section 9 | Grid

Type Book | Section 10 | Logotype

• Sample Type Book


• Course Syllabus

Amendment to Syllabus:

• Only 1 Excused Absence allowed for

1) a doctor’s note

2) more than a week in advanced notice of absence

• Allowed 15 minutes before counted as late

• Allowed one lateness-because-of-train freebee that won’t count towards absence tally

• Review Calendar

By John Kane
By John Kane

• Class collective glossary


Units of measurements 


Type Anatomy

• Link to Libby Clark’s vocab terms and videos

• Ellen Lupton Thinking with Type

By Libby Clarke
By Libby Clarke

Type Measurement


Families of Type

• Art historical context presentation by Johanna Goldfeld


Lecture notes on Hierarchy 

Why do we need at least 3 levels of hierarchy?

The Grid

• Ruler, Grids & Guides (Adobe)

• Using The Grid For Your Designs (Adobe)

Layout Parts (Prof. Mary Brown)

A) text page – the area on a page, within the margins, where text appears.

B) margin – the area of the page around the text area.

C) folios – the page number. In most instances this is at the bottom of the page below or outside the text area.

D) header – the area at the top of the page, outside the text area. A running header is a header that is repeated across many pages

E) footer – the area at the bottom of the page, outside the text area. A running footer is a footer that is repeated across many pages.

F) gutter – the gutter separates the columns and rows from each other. It is also the area where two facing pages meet.

G) active corner –  the upper left corner of any field in a grid system. This is where the top of the text is aligned.

H) passive corner – the bottom right corner of any field in a grid.

Type on a path

• Cheat sheet

• On Alignment


Logos made from Type, by Before & After

Typography Tips

20 Typography Mistakes to Avoid

• Type Basics Review Lecture:

• Experimental Grids

Quality of Typography Checklist

1. No widows

2. No orphans

3. No double end-of-line hyphens

4. Consistant wordspaces/letterspaces = even color

5. No stroked/outlined type (except headlines)

6. No artificial expand/condense

7. Maintain style consistency in content categories

8. Proper kearning in headlines and large type

Interactivity & Animation