Group Observation Project Grades are in –

As a group the grades were a much wider range than the term project – some lower and some much higher. Please read the notes pasted in blackboard for both assignments. All members of each group received the same grade and the notes are pasted into each individuals blackboard account for that assignment.

The notes here will also be helpful for the semester project – remember we have one more presentation.

I am working on the individual observation grades – stay posted.

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Semester Project is graded and notes are available

Hi Eveyrone,

The group work – for the semester has been graded. You will only receive one final grade on this project. The Final or Best grade will be the one that matters. I have pasted the same set of notes/comments into each team members folder in blackboard.

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Topography Quiz Deadline has been extended till 8pm this evening

Hi everyone,

Some of you reported problems finding the quiz – this has been corrected – sorry for the delay in giving you access. I have extended the due date/time till this Sunday evening at 8pm. I can tell from Blackboard that the majority of you have found it and have started taking the quiz – many of you have already posted your answers.

Also – I sent out an email when this was fixed on Saturday – it goes to your Citytech email account – please check this regularly.

Good Luck.

Prof. King

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Quiz Reminder for Topography and Circulation

Remember that the take home portion – the grading assignment is due on Sunday December 2 at noon.

If you were absent on Friday you must still take this quiz.

Additional note to anyone absent on Friday:

In addition you should login and take the quiz that the class took on Friday.  As you quiz will be take home your grades will be adjusted to be fair to those who attended on Friday.  You will need a copy of this following topographic map to take the quiz.  You will have 30 minutes to complete this.

Quiz.04 Topography Refernce Topo Map – Landscape

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Circulation Lectures are Posted for Quiz Review

Hi everyone –

The lectures you need to review to study for the quiz on Friday are posted (see day 09).  The site administrators lowered the limit of file size that I can upload so I had to divide this up into 4 separate PDF’s.   There is also a copy of the NYC Parks Checklist (see day 07).

The quiz will cover topography and circulation.  To review Topography please review the lecture notes (see day 11) and practice the grading problems.  You will be given a take home portion of the quiz that includes a grading problem or two.  This you will do by hand and scan and upload to blackboard.

Remember you will also be asked to

See you Friday.


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Topography Exercises and Answers

I have posted the following for you: (follow this link – go to day 11) )

  • Blank Topography Worksheets
  • PowerPoint Presentation with Answers
  • PowerPoint Lecture on Topography
  • Practice Quiz for Slope Types

I decided to clean these up and add additional instructions in the PowerPoint so that it would be easier for you to follow when you are working on this on your own.  I added additional notations for example H for highpoints and L for lowpoints.

I also moved the exercise that we tended to do first from the lower left corner to the upper right (see exercises R1-R3) so please use these blank worksheets so they match the powerpoint.

My recommendation is that you repeat these on your own, then again with a classmate.  We will continue to work on these during the next class.

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I have lost a full week of work from my job, which problematically messed up my daily schedule. No trains to manhattan from brooklyn was unbelievable. Isolated at home without being able to purchase any groceries for the entire week. Many grocery stores and supermarkets closed due to the loss of power plus unavailable to work. Luckily, living in a basement did not happen anything besides the chilly days and cozy times drinking a lot of tea and eating a lot, which i hated. I had all the utilities normal, which i was able to watch tv and use the internet and do my work assignments from school plus work papers from my job not to leave them behind.

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Please Post your Storm Story

I created a project site for all of us to post our storm stories – please share this link freely.

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Storm Recovery and Friday Classes

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all are doing well and friends and family are all safe!

The college has announced that classes are in session again this Friday.  I commute by bike and will be in  starting at 8:30 am and most of the day.  As I run two site planning classes I will likely let them overlap – so if you are late in the morning you can stay for the afternoon class as well if you do not have another class in the afternoon.

Please do not stress out about being either late or absent – it will not count against you!

 I will likely run a special class that is a review & combination of group work for the semester project -perhaps we will take an impromptu field trip to the Brooklyn waterfront – if I can get special permission to do so.

If you have photos and videos of what happened in your neighborhood consider bringing these in to share.

If you have internet access and do not make it in – try to be available during your class time.  I will see if the groups can communicate together using  a website that allows everyone to communicate in a shared chat session that can be saved as a word document.

Hope to see as many of you as we can tomorrow.

Good luck to everyone.  Stay safe & Thanks

Prof. King

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