Faculty: Use this page to convey how students and faculty will communicate during and outside of class hours or online meetings. This includes in-person and virtual office hours, email, chat, etc.

If there are any external resources used for communication (e.g. Zoom, WebEx, BBCollaborate), you can identify them here. Please do not post your meeting passwords publicly.

Faculty Contact Info

Name: Mary Beth Kilkelly

Email address: mkilkelly@citytech.cuny.edu

Availability & email response times: Available evenings after 6:00PM; email response time 4 hours.

Office Hours

Online office hours & information:

  • Office Hour: live chat Tuesday Evenings 6:00 PM

In-person office hours & location:

  • N/A

Meeting Information

Online class meeting information:

  • N/A

In-person class meeting location:

  • N/A
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