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The Metropolitan Museum of Art Front Entrance
Ugolino and His Sons (1867) (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Drawing of Ugolino By Jamil Posey (Charcoal on Toned Gray 2023)

Some time late last year, I started taking weekly trips to the Met. I’m really not one for the big crowds and swarms of tourists but as an artists, I feel like I can’t just not go to the Met lol. That’s wild. So, I starting going Monday mornings when it wasn’t as busy. I would make my way over to the European Sculptures section and sit in Front of a sculpture named “Ugolino and His Sons.” This piece actually rubs me all the wrong way for a bunch of different reasons, but I sit and contemplate in front of it for long periods of time because of all the twists and turns and complexity of light & shadow it makes under the museum light. It’s just a fascinating work of art. One day, I actually came back with my art materials. I brought an 18×24 toned gray drawing pad with all my charcoal pencils and an easel. I sat there and drew this piece for hours. I kept coming over a 6 week period and actually got a lot done. I typically draw from photo references, so drawing a sculpture from life was a bit more difficult and I ran into a few challenges. Nonetheless, this piece inspired me to get back into figure drawing. My Ugolino drawing still isn’t done, but I plan on going back soon to finish and start on another sculpture.