Designers in today’s generation carry the responsibility to shape the society they currently live in. With modern technology, we share our work through social media applications in hopes of garnering attention and respect. Through these applications, we are able to reach more eyes and influence more individuals.

This newfound state of a universal language shows “designers are actively engaging their societies politically and culturally, increasingly thinking globally inside a tightly networked world.” (Armstrong 13) Issues such as social justice and sustainability are becoming increasingly urgent as designers are able to speak for the public through their work. If certain designers were not giving light to these issues, we would see less of an impact from society. It is a designers role to shed the light on issues they deem reflects poorly on our society.

Besides highlighting issues society currently faces, designers also have to understand how to appeal to the masses and make sure their content gets heard. Designers need to connect with the masses on social issues to create meaningful impact. Understanding public sentiments helps them craft designs that raise awareness effectively and inspire action. By appealing to broader audiences, designers can amplify messages, promote empathy, and drive positive change on significant social issues.