Mary Beth Kilkelly | COMD 3504-OL01 (8505)| Summer 2024

Packaging Design (Jamil)

Rough Sketch
Rough Sketch of Concept 2
iPhone 20 Packaging Concept (Top-Right)
iPhone 20 Packaging Concept (Top-Left)
iPhone 20 Packaging Concept (Birdseye)
iPhone 20 Packaging Concept (Top)

Packaging Design

Oddly enough, as much as I love graphic design, I’ve never really been into advertising/branding and the fast mass production that accompanies it. I think it’s just something we’re beset by in a society built around capitalism and we’re made to participate in it whether we like it or not. Irrespective of this, I love art & design. Even if Capitalists exercise a monopoly over creative expression; I do it because I love it. That being said, I have a passion for designing things that are sleek and professional. I like to create things that communicate in a way that is easy to understand universally. Setting aside the actual product itself, I think packaging design is a critical aspect of the overall marketing process and goes well beyond mere aesthetics. People go about deciding what they’re going to buy based on how they perceive a particular brand. The first thing the consumer engages with is the branding and product packaging.

Pictured above is a project I worked on for an internship I was applying for, recently. I didn’t wind up getting it, but it allowed me to further explore what I’m really capable of when I sit down and put my mind to it. The assignment was to redesign the packaging of a popular brand so that it doubles as more than one use for the end consumer. I went with Apple and did a future iPhone 20 concept in partnership with Disney Plus. Upon purchase of the iPhone, you would get a 6-month free trial of Disney Plus and the packaging would double as an iPhone screen projector to watch movies and other content from the service.

1 Comment

  1. MB Kilkelly

    Thanks for this post. I think this package design project should be in your portfolio with the explanation in the captions of this post. Your process and thinking are clear, and it’s good work! For every final project, there are scores of sketches, versions, rejected ideas — include your best thinking. I think this is a strong concept!

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