Mary Beth Kilkelly | COMD 3504-OL01 (8505)| Summer 2024

Painting on the Tv Caught on Tape


I love this painting. I saw it while watching the show Caught on Tape, but I couldn’t figure out who made it. The painting is dramatic, chaotic, and random, everywhere you look there is something crazy happening, and there isn’t one dull moment. The baby in a bear suit, the bear attacking someone in an animal suit, someone walking a lobster.

I appreciate the high level of detail in the painting. I see it as a real representation of what you see in real life, in terms of the reaction and facial expressions of each character. I don’t think I’ve seen a painting that depicts the normalness of people, and we’re just watching it all break loose. The more you look at it the weirder it gets.

1 Comment

  1. MB Kilkelly

    Thanks for this post! I also find the details of human weirdness in this painting fascinating, and I notice that this painting syncs with your statement of admiration of maximalism.

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