Mary Beth Kilkelly | COMD 3504-OL01 (8505)| Summer 2024

Book: The way things aren’t : deconstructing ‘reality’ to facilitate communication

The way things aren’t : deconstructing ‘reality’ to facilitate communication

Backman, John, editor.; Wójcik, Małgorzata, editor. 2015

This is about a theory on how to rethink communication and how our cultures influence the way we think. Trying to think outside of that is asking to change the way we think entirely, about ourselves and life. I think John Backman is trying to say that our perceptions of the world are a block to the possibilities of communication.  I haven’t gotten very far but I am interested, and I am still very confused on what he’s trying to say but I am a bit invested, and I’ll most likely continue reading it. 


“It’s pages include Stark illustrations of the profound variance between on the ground reality and popular perceptions- particularly in the West- of the same reality.  but doing so,  it points to the need for what we might call ‘virtue of uncertainty’:  the importance of holding assumptions and convictions lightly in order to remain open,  not only to new information and perspectives,  but also to people who hold them” ( Backman, John).

I assume he wants the creative to see outside of our own beliefs, which makes sense because as a designer you have to outside reach to understand more about a topic, and come up with your interaction of it. I guess Backman wants us to leave our interpretation beyond and open up to different worldviews. 




1 Comment

  1. Jamil


    Wow, this John Backman piece seems really interesting! Is this one of the readings from this class? If so, I completely missed it lol. But yea, I like how you put your spin and analysis on what you think he meant by this. I think you’re spot on by the way, thinking outside the box and seeing things from another perspective can definitely have a major impact on how we make objective decisions, creative or otherwise.

    Keep up the good work! ,


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