Mary Beth Kilkelly | COMD 3504-OL01 (8505)| Summer 2024

Final Research Ideations – Admiring &


I was thinking about what I wanted to do for my research project and I knew It had to be my favorite topic TYPE! I was thinking about how much I love the symbol &. It’s such a beauty symbol to me, how you can write without lifting Your pencil. It is such a 2 unified shape, with a narrow top and wide bottom is so interesting and there is no end to it, it is continuing yet complete. My favorite part is seeing it in different typefaces, which are abstract, and decorative with so much style to it. The ones I found above are just what I’ve come across. 

The History and Usage of Common Symbols

After reading the small section on ampersands, I learned that apparently, it is a combination of the letters e and t from the Latin word et which means and. It is not very noticeable but it’s fun to think of a way it could be. For instance, the shape could be a cursive capital “E” with a lowercase “t.”I think it’s such a beautiful addition to sentences or phrases. Plus convenient in design which adds a nice addition to a design. 

1 Comment

  1. MB Kilkelly

    Fascinating, and “cheers” to type!

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