Mary Beth Kilkelly | COMD 3504-OL01 (8505)| Summer 2024

Design Journal Posting #1 – “x” as unifier

I have noticed the use of the letter “x” in place of a vertical line in unifying two brand logos. Previous called a “lock up” with vertical lines, I now see the letter “X” used to join or unify two images. While the letter “x” can mean “to cancel out,” in the language of co-branding or branding partnerships, it now seems to signifies multiplication, borrowing symbolic meaning from math language.

What does the “x” character mean to you when you see it?


  1. Orlando Melendez Ramos

    When I see “X,” I think of either a collaboration between two brands or an artist and a brand or franchise, I also think of Twitter which is now called “X”.

    • MB Kilkelly

      Interesting — Twitter now X. Yes! I wonder if the negative connotations are generational. When I was growing up, “X” also meant salacious and unwholesome. It means something different now, but in my mind/view it has that negative meaning.

  2. rawansaleh

    The character “x” is symbolic of many things such as, xoxo (hugs and kisses), but I think before the development of modern technology its always mean death and “the end of something”. Like “exes” or drawing an x over something to mean that its gone and it also means the unknown because in math x is the variable used when you are trying to figure out a problem. In today times, x has a more futuristic connotation. Like in XBOX, X (twitter), SpaceX.

  3. bimei

    When see the “x” character here, I would imagine these two brands would create a joint product, also it gives me a feeling of strengthening.

  4. Gabriel Celik

    When I see the symbol “x” I automatically think of multiplication. One thing I have noticed is whenever there is a collaboration between two brands, the “x” is always there bridging the two together. In my head, it works out perfectly because Merriam-Webster defines multiply as, “to become greater in number” which the brands are doing product and consumer-reach wise when collaborating on a project.

  5. Brittany Greene-Lee

    The “x” character used in this way to me means a collaboration on two items or brands. It is basically two brands coming together to combine both styles onto one item to sell to consumers.

  6. Tais chicaiza

    The character “X” can be represented in many ways. When I think about the letter “x”, it can represent a cross mark, often used to indicate something is incorrect or to mark a spot on a map.

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