Blog#2_ Interview

My internship is mainly responsible for building basic 3D models based on the original character design drawings. During this winter break, my friend knew that I needed an internship opportunity through a chat with me. He told me that his team was currently in need of an intern. Therefore, I got this internship through a friend’s recommendation. And then, two weeks later, they arranged for me to interview via Zoom meeting. I was nervous before this because I didn’t know how to face the interview process and didn’t have confidence in myself. Then my friend told me a little bit about their team, and I started to practice and prepare for the interview. Nervousness will only bring negative results, so I keep telling myself, I can do it, I don’t need to be nervous. On the day of the interview, I was also constantly encouraged myself. The person who interviewed me is the head of their team. During the interview, I showed some of the works of my 3D work and my portfolio. The interviewer’s question was very simple. He asked me what percentage of my ability was evaluated, and the delivery estimate of the completion of the work. My answer is that my assessment of myself is only 60 to 70 percent, and I think I need to learn through work to achieve my satisfaction level. Also, I treat my work with a punctual attitude. After three days of the interview, my friend told me that I was approved by their team. Then, I started my internship. My supervisor title is a full-stack team lead, and there are two other full-time colleagues in charge of design. I have followed them to learn the knowledge on the job.

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