Author Archives: Jessica Pareja

Summary: Ways of Seeing by John Berger

In the passage “Ways of Seeing” John Berger describes the the way of viewing the outside world and viewing into a deeper meaning.However, John Berger try to force on how our perspectives have changed from before and now; how it will … Continue reading

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Adversary– noun an enemy or opponent The word was found on December 7, 2014 on the online newspaper of the New York Times The word was found on the middle of the article “America’s Special Operations forces have played … Continue reading

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Pedestrian– adjective not interesting or unusual relating to or designed for people who are walking The word was found on December 4, 2014 on the online New York Times. The word is located on the middle of the newspaper … Continue reading

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Prioritize-Verb to organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first to make (something) the most important thing in a group The word was found in the online newspaper on the New York Times … Continue reading

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Ignominious– adjective causing disgrace or shame The word was found on December 4,2014 while reading an online newspaper in the The word is found in the second paragraph at the beginning of the article “Its colossal avian presence may yet … Continue reading

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Sinuously– adverb Definition:having many twists and turns moving and bending in a smooth and attractive way of a serpentine or wavy form marked by strong lithe movements The word was found in the New York Times Online Newspaper on Tuesday December 2,2014. … Continue reading

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Summary: A Picture of Language: The Fading Art of Diagramming Sentences

In the passage the Fading Art of Diagramming Sentences, Juana Summers states a situation presented a forgotten method. There use to be a method before that is not know to many people and other peoples just forgot. The use of … Continue reading

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Project#4:Thoughtful Assessment

During the start of project #4, we began to work with the use of colors. First, we created a color wheel to visual see the colors and understand more of color. We later had to create a chromatic gray, muted, … Continue reading

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Project #4:Swiss Style Band Poster : Part 2

It took me an hour to due during the class time.

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Project #4: Swiss Style Band Poster:part 1

  It took an hour to do however, it was a group project with cheng long li.

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