Journal Entry 1

The size of the company I would say is small and it’s located by Union Square. There  a real estate office that sells very high end apartments. Since this company sells such luxurious apartments and offices so they do business with people a certain degree of money. They were founded in 2013 so they been around for five years as of now.

At “Mdrn. Resedintal” I’ll be working in the design section of their company. They work under a brand guideline that dictates how most of their work is presented to their customers. I should be working on templates for emails and flyers. They also plan on collaborating with another company that will need designs in the future.

An article that I saw that featured Mdrn spoke about new college grads wanting to live in New York. It mentions many of the expectations that they have and the income that many can expect to make.  Another article mentioned an app called Stoop that the company plans on creating. The apps main purpose is to improve the experience between residents and buildings. Its also hopes to continue and maintain the relationships with current and future clients