Journal Entry 3

I would say the culture at my workplace is for the most part very welcoming. I feel as if I can approach any of the workers there. They seem very receptive to being asked questions or engaging in conversation. There are times when everybody obviously gets very busy and even I will have to finish a design by a certain deadline.

The attire at the company is formal. There is maybe 2 people in the office who actually dress up in suits. I mostly wear shoes, pants, and a buttoned-up short sleeved shirt.

The work stations are open spaces. No is pinned into their own personal space so you can walk around and see what everyone else is doing. The office is full of iMacs and almost all of them has a picture of the agent who works at that specific computer.

The hours can seem long but they really go by quick when your busy working on a project. I’m not paid unfortunately but I’m compensated with the free food we get at Seamless which is a huge plus!