renaissance poetry annotated bibliography


Donne, John, et al. The Flea. John Donne , 1633.

The poem is about a flea that the author uses to help make a metaphor about his attraction for a person. In the poem the flea has sucked blood from some woman and the speaker of the poem. The author is implying that he can’t get to her but the flea can on line 3 the author wrote “It sucked me first, and now sucks thee” the author uses this diction in order to show how even though he himself cant get to her this flea that “bit” him and her which in his mind has now connected them though their blood. so  he feels annoyed because he cant get to her, so he tries to convince himself that they are “together”. even though this poem is about a flea its also about sex. in the beginning of the poem first paragraph he is saying how little of an issue it is to begin with because of the fact that their blood has already “mixed” which at that time period was considered to be true that time period, so it wouldn’t be a big deal if they had sex again. He is trying to eliminate the consequences she might be seeing. He tries to convince her even more further on when he says, “Thou know’st that this cannot be said/A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead” (5-6). This means that he is trying to convince her to have sex because at this point it wouldn’t matter if they had sex or not because there would be no “wrongdoing”, since it had already happened before. The author is putting in all of this work trying to make it with this woman. He’s not getting his way and it is making him even more frustrated. Even after he said that it was fine for them to have sex he goes back on what he says and on lines 20, 21, and 23 the author says ” in blood of innocence? Wherein could this flea guilty be, Except in that drop which it sucked from thee?”. This shows how he goes back on what he said and now is blaming it on her saying that she isn’t innocent because the “flea” which represents both of them together, took blood from her which means the author is saying because she let him have sex with her it was her fault.

Shakespeare, William, and A. D. P. Briggs. Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?: Shakespeare’s Love Poetry. William Shakespeare, 1600’s.

In  Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? by William Shakespeare the narrator uses similes in order to show his love for the woman he is describing. on line 2 the author writes “Thou art more lovely and more temperate”. In this part the author uses a summers day to describe the woman he is talking about while saying that she is “temperate” and “lovely” which are words you can use to describe weather and a persons appearance and personality, which the author uses in order for his reader to understand what makes her like a “summers day”. further down the poem on lines 8 and 9 the author says “By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d; But thy eternal summer shall not fade”. The author continues to use similes to show his love for this woman, saying that even though time might change her a little her “eternal summer” which is her beauty and who she is as a person will always be there. this shows his love for her because he will always see her for who she is even if over time she changes she will still be the same to him.  throughout the poem the author uses similes to show his audience his love and compassion for this woman, also convoys the message that he wants to be with this person throughout his life till they die.

Donne, John. The Complete Poems of John Donne. John Donne, 1600.

The Rising Sun by John Donne is a poem about him and his partner Waking up and the sun being in their eyes,  John Donne uses the sun throughout the text in order to show love for his partner. on lines 1,2 and 3 the author says “Busy old fool, unruly sun, Why dost thou thus, Through windows, and through curtains call on us?”. This is  right when they wake up and the Sun is in their eyes, He calls the sun a “busy old fool” because the Sun Shining its light everywhere. After this he begins asking the sun to “go chide Late school boys and sour prentices, Go tell court huntsmen that the king will ride”. John Donne at this point is basically asking the Sun to go somewhere else because of how much is bothering them. As the poem goes on John Donne Starts to talk about the woman in bed with him. He says “I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink, But that I would not lose her sight so long”. John Donne the saying that he could get rid of the Sun by closing his eyes however, he does not want to lose sight the woman that is in his bed and that he rather endure the pain of the Sun and still see her than not see her at all. he uses the Sun as an example to show how even though there might be things in this way he Still wont give up on her. 


Joy may kill . Michelangelo, 1600’s

In the poem Joy may kill by Michelangelo, Michelangelo Shows Just because something seems a certain way doesn’t guarantee the outcome that you wanted to have or a different one. On line 1 and 2 the author says “Too much good luck no less than misery May kill a man condemned to mortal pain”. In this part of the text the author is trying to tell his audience that good luck Can only get you so far and that you can still have “misery”. Further down the Palm on lines 9 and 10 the author says ”Good news and bad may bear the self-same knife; And death may follow both upon their flight”. Again the author continues with his idea that even if something appears to be good and may not be  by saying that good news and bad news can both have the same affect and that nothing is guaranteed. Online 11 the author says “ for hearts that shrink or swell, alike will break”. when the author  is talking about the hearts shrinking or swelling is using two opposite situations will lead to the same result. he says this in order to convey his idea of outcomes of a situation I always being what you think they would be. Overall Michelangelo uses different ways in text to show people oh not all good things are as they seem and that the outcomes are not always the ones that you desire and can hurt you.

sonnet 116. William Shakespeare, 1600.

Sonnet 116 is a poem that talks about the value of love and its importance. On lines 1 and 2 Author says “let me not to the marriage of true minds admit Impediments. love is not love”. In this quote the author is saying that there shouldn’t be any reason why two people who love each other shouldn’t be together. When the author uses the diction “ love is not love”  he is referring to the fact that if two people can’t be together then love doesn’t have meaning itself because it cannot exist. another example is on lines 5 and 6 The author says “O no! It’s an ever-fixed mark that looks on Tempests and is never shaken”. The author uses an Ever-fixed Mark To show how even the things may Try to destroy it it won’t move and I won’t leave again just like an ever-fixed Mark. Author is trying to convey the message that love is a strong emotion That is hard to get rid of or tear down. On line date and 9 the author says “ whose Worth’s unknown, although his height be taken. Love’s Not time’s fool, The Rosy lips and cheeks”. In this example the author is explaining to an audience that love isn’t only  based on looks and appearance well who you are as a person. in the text he is explaining how aging doesn’t affect Love in a negative way And that the real value of love it’s true the person is. 

Jonson, Ben. To Celia. 1600.

In the poem To Celia The author conveys in deep love for the woman and what she is talking about send a text. The author uses drinks in order to show this. In the first paragraph the author says “Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes, and I will pledge with mine” The author uses this level of intimacy in order to show his loyalty to his partner. The author uses diction such as Pledge in order to show the commitment he has towards this woman. In the second paragraph lines 1 and 2  the author says “ I sent thee late a Rosy wreath, not so much honoring thee”. in this section the author tries to extend a gift 4 this woman but she refuses and doesn’t take it. She does this because the author refuses to stop drinking in the text and it is creating a problem between their love for each other.




Annotated Bibliography

Jevon Williams

Annotated Bibliography

ENG 1101

Hope,Ted . “Indie Film Is Dead”, Filmmaker Magazine, Fall 1995

Hope is co-president of New York’s production company Good Machine and, along with his partner James Schamus, has produced or executive produced such films as The Brothers McMullenSafe, and The Wedding Banquet. Hope also produces Hal Hartley’s films, including his new Flirt. Ted Hope shares his opinions by lamenting the downside of today’s indie film scene. Hope’s candid diagnosis prompted Schamus, who is currently adapting Rick Moody’s novel The Ice Storm for Ang Lee, to pen a piece of his own, a reply which amplifies the terms of Hope’s argument. The article then goes on to argue why the success of indie films today aren’t authentic. In Hope’s argument, he states that the marketplace is ‘nasty and brutal’ and follows by explaining how it has effected unique films. Hope recognizes this is a problem and prompts an urgency about the future of indie films. Hope further discusses the reality of todays’ problem with businesses in the film industry- Today’s new media giants are embracing the independent film but as a marketing concept only; every day they bring more and more of the production, distribution and exhibition apparatus under their control.

O’Falt, Chris. “How Do Independent Filmmakers Make a Living? 20 BAM cinema Fest Directors on Day Jobs That Pay the Bills”, Indie Wire, 22 Jun. 2019

An article about day jobs for indie filmmakers where all the jobs are also working on film, or commercial-BAM directors share how they make ends meet when they aren’t making personal films. Rashaad Ernesto Green states, ‘When I’m not making an independent film, I direct episodes of television to pay the bills.’ Rodney Evans: When I am not immersed in filmmaking I teach introductory and advanced film production courses and screenwriting in the Film and Media Studies Department at Swarthmore College just outside of Philadelphia. The commute from Brooklyn can sometimes be a challenge, but the students at Swarthmore are sharp, passionate and deeply engaged with the art of filmmaking and the cultural and sociopolitical issues in the world around them. Since I have been there for the last four years there has been a marked increase in the number of students of color and LGBT+ students taking production and screenwriting courses. Sometimes all it takes is for a student to see someone that belongs to the same demographic as they do and showing work that reflects their experience for them to think about filmmaking as a valid career option. It’s also important that they see me as an example of a teaching artist/working filmmaker making only work that I care deeply about and control from idea to completion.

DE PABLOS, EMILIANO. “Top supplier accords give distributor edge.” Variety, 13 Dec. 1999, p. 94. Gale Academic

The motor driving Lauren Films’ growth has been distribution. Since 1979, the company, the distribution division of the Lauren Group, has released more than 600 films in Spain, making it unquestionably Spain’s most important indie distribution over the last 20 years. Lauren speaks on her success by crediting multiple “pillars”, and explains her experience. “To survive in the Spanish market, a company needs at least two sources of different product,” says CEO Antonio Llorens. “As an indie, we don’t have access to products like ‘Wild Wild West’ so we look for a range of titles from…”. Lauren has played off important multititle and multiyear distribution accords. These multi pic accords has allowed Lauren to lead the pack of indie distributions since 1985. A crucial local factor has been Lauren’s ownership of cinemas, which has permitted the company to nurse titles at its own sites until word of mouth has kicked into gear. “These films wouldn’t have made so much money if they hadn’t been in my cinemas,” Llorens modestly comments. Lauren’s high-profile, multi pic deals naturally involve high payments, hence, risk. Accessing top product allows Lauren to benefit from a competitive Spanish TV market, enriched first in 1990 by the launch of two free-to-air commercial nets — Antena 3 TV and Tele 5 — plus pay service Canal Plus Spain and two digital operators in 1997, Sogecable’s CanalSatelite Digital and Telefonica’s Via Digital.

Cieply, Michael, “A Rebuilding Phase for Independent Film”, New York Times, 25 April 2010

For more than a decade, the indie film movement centered in New York flourished, at times almost eclipsing the output of the mainstream Hollywood studios in terms of impact and accolades. But the financial collapse and the credit crisis had a deep impact on all of the movie world, which has responded with fewer expensive releases and safer bets. The struggling indie scene is getting a boost from fleet-footed, penny-pinching guerrilla operations that are trying to resuscitate the business by spending less on production, much less on marketing and embracing all forms of distribution, including the local art house and the laptop. Indie experiments are being closely watched in the business because what happens in Hollywood often first happens in New York City. According to Mr. Weinstein and others, the New York-centered independent film world faltered largely because companies, flush with cash from a DVD boom that has since played out, put too much money behind too many films for an audience that was never large enough to absorb them in theaters. Independent distributors that survived the great shakeout include Focus Features, a Universal Studios unit that is anchored in Manhattan, and Sony Pictures Classics, a specialty film label based in New York that has consistently released about 20 movies a year with a staff of just 25.

D’Alessandro, Anthony “Does The Success Of Streaming Signal The Death Of Indie Cinema? – Sundance”, Deadline 24 Jan 2019

The success of Netflix’s Roma this Oscar season with ten nominations has some traditional film distributors worried sick that the streaming service’s theatrical/SVOD release model will ultimately spell the death of indie cinema. Their concern: No longer is a lengthy theatrical release needed for an independent movie seeking an Oscar. This has been an unfortunate several years for independent films, as the major studios shut down their indie distribution labels and focus on blockbuster material for the global market. The avenue for indie films gaining wide recognition is narrowing. “Films can be the antidote or a reprieve from things we disagree with,” says NEON boss Tom Quinn about the the theatrical experience. “It’s the only communal experience outside of going to church.” In sum, streaming hasn’t killed the indie cinema star, it’s only expanded the independent cinema marketplace. There are those in indie circles who praise Netflix: They are making and releasing movies that otherwise would not have gotten made by a mainstream distributor. “What the success of Roma does show is that that Harvey Weinstein way of Oscar campaigning works with Netflix movies,” says one independent studio cappo about the streaming giant’s reported $20M-plus awards season campaign spend on the film. Another reason for the slowdown in indie fare goes back to the age-old excuse of product. “I’m not scared right now and I believe in the theatrical business and the basic principles why theaters were formed initially and that still holds,” says League.

KELLY, BRENDAN. “Canadian market remains risky.” Variety, 21 Feb. 2000, p. S30. Gale Academic

Distributing independent films in Canada remains, at best, a high-risk venture, and things aren’t getting any easier. Indie distribution is tough everywhere in the world, but the odds are even tougher in Canada compared to most other countries outside the U.S. because of the proximity to the powerful American market. The Hollywood majors tend to release their pics the same day in the U.S. and Canada, which allows the Canadian promotion campaign to take full advantage of all the media coverage south of the border. There are not a lot of strong independent film-distribution players in Canada, with the notable exception of Alliance Atlantis Releasing, which handily dominates the indie market in the country. The Toronto-based distributor released more than 90 pics theatrically last year and grossed more than C$100 million ($69 million) at the box office, ranking it second nationally behind Buena Vista. The other independent players in Canada handle fewer films than Alliance Atlantis and have to struggle for market share. One of the new aggressive companies on the scene is Blackwatch Releasing, a Montreal producer and distributor that has output deals with Sony Pictures Classics, Trimark and the Shooting Gallery. “It is still a tough market because distribution expenses have been going up, advertising costs have been going up, we’re paying bigger minimum guarantees and there are not a lot of films that pop out,” says Yves Dion, president of Blackwatch Releasing. Snaring quality titles for theatrical release is the biggest dilemma for distributors without the output deals, says Stephen Greenberg, president of distribution at Motion Intl. of Montreal. “It’s a continual challenge,” says Greenberg.

Rhetorical Analysis

Jason Maselli                                                                                               10/27/19

For my rhetorical analysis I chose to do short scary stories on reddit. The title of this story is called “Snowman Family” written by GorillaOfUndeath.

The story is about a divorced man. It takes place after a long and heavy snowfall. It was near midnight when the man, Chris decided to shovel peoples driveways to get ahead of the competition and to help aid in the creation of snowmen. His first stop was his ex-wifes house, after he is done Chris goes back to his own house to then make a Snowwoman. After he is done with this he comments on how is daughter would love it when she sees it. Chris then goes to Randy’s house who is the person his ex-wife cheated with. When Randy answered the door he is visibly mad  due to how late it is and after some type of exchange Chris stabs him with a syringe filled with a paralyzing toxin. Chris left him on the floor while he went to shovel his driveway, once done he comes back to get Randy who is still laying on the floor then drags him to the backyard where the Snowwoman was. During the process Chris comments on a problem he didn’t have when making the snowwomen making it clear he did the same thing with his ex-wife. After he is done he goes back to Randy’s house again and finds a photo of Randy smiling next to his then pregnant wife. After he is completely done with the snowman he goes to get his daughter. His daughter says the Snowcouple should have a child, Chris agrees and stabs her with another syringe saying he sees a resemblance to Randy. The story ends with him saying he needs to go shovel and once he’s done we’ll will make the kid snowman.

I found it very clear that the author was using pathos to get the feel of horror to the reader. The writer used very common mishap in life even started off with a descriptive description of the setting to make the reader get more involved. Learning the person the reader is seeing these events though is divorced makes them feel a bad for him even more so by saying he’d shovel there driveways as a type of therapy and peace offering having the audience believe that Chris is doing the right thing. The addition that he’s building snowmen for his daughter makes it seem sweet. The fact that this fact is mentioned after he finishes the snowwomen makes the reader feel like he is just the average divorced man who is trying to make their kid happy. The writer adds a little line about the lipstick Chris puts on the snowwomen it says that it ends up being a smeared mess adding to a little homemade feel but then compares it to a split lip in winter foreshadowing the horror behind the kind gesture. In the altercation with Randy the writer make sure the audience notes where Chris’ hand is(his pocket) with an even less friendlier tone at this point the reader knows something is about to happen.

The writer makes Chris strike Randy when he is about to mention why she cheated on him possibly to make the reader not totally shocked but still a fear factor is growing. When it is time for Randy to be brought to the other creation it is noted that no one is even aware of whats happening while he is dragging Randy by his feet it build more fear since this is completely possible. Chris uses a metal pole to make then snowmen stay straight by making the people inside lean on the pole it is here where it is said that this part of making the snowwomen was easier making the reader a little shocked. Snow is then packed over the person and during this process the writer makes Randy’s despair clearer even saying at one point this would be easier then if Chris was to let Randy go since frostbite has no doubt set in. Once finished and he finds the picture of Randy with his pregnant ex-wife it is dismissed making the reader think he still loves his daughter this is further proved by how he treats his daughter with love as any father would. When he agrees to the making of the kid snowman the reader would think they’d be building it together but this is quickly dismayed and she is stabbed  immediately this would shock the reader and make the reader feel worse when it is said that Chris would leaver her there for a bit in the cold morning weather.

Works cited

This story is no longer on the reddit it self so I will post the link to the video of the narration-

Rhetorical Analysis of a Magazine Article

ENG 1101


For a long time now, many women have become obsessed with dieting, lifestyle, and their overall physique due to social norms. There are countless articles  on this topic. Whether it be explaining different dieting techniques, giving tips, or touching on the dangers that dieting brings along. The article I have chosen to analyze today was published in Cosmopolitan Magazine and it is “The Food-Combining Diet Made Me Question Everything I Know About Food- but it Might Not Be So Legit” written by Kara Cuzzone.

The article talks about a dieting technique that was quickly gaining popularity. The dieting technique is called Food Combining. In the article Cuzzone states “The theory behind the diet: Since your digestive system breaks down macronutrients at different rates  and use different enzymes, or molecules that help us digest, you should only eat foods that process at the same speed in one sitting.” In the text she also states the rules of the diet and the biology behind the rules.

I would say that the audience of this specific text would be women in their late teenage years to women in their late forties. I would not necessarily say that this specific audience is self conscious because this article can be for women who are simply interested in bettering their lifestyle. However, articles like this make women more susceptible to comparing themselves to others and genuinely caring what society thinks of them.

Magazine articles are usually witty and get straight to the point. However this article has a deeper meaning than just a diet plan. Women have become obsessed with being socially accepted and will do almost anything to lose and/or gain weight to fit it. Although this specific diet was not as strict or as harmful to the human body as others are, it is about the principle of the diet.


Works Cited

hip hop music

hip hop is a music genre that allows artists to express themselves  specifically African Americans when it comes this type of music.  In the song called  “Never let me down” by Jay z and Kanye West it goes into detail about how the black history has made them into the men they are today. all the struggles and hardships that their families went through for generations developed the strength for them to work more harder to gain accessories that they want. its almost like their motivation is coming from pain and suffering which is kind of ironic. usually pain will make u feel more down about something rather thank persuade you to do more and go harder for what you want.

Climate Change

Climate change is undeniably one of the most prevalent threats to humans that has the potential to affect the economy, community and environment on a global scale. In an article called “Indigenous farming practices failing as climate change disrupts seasons,” published by Peter Schwartzstein on October 14, 2019, the author highlights the numeros unforeseen weather fluctuations triggered by the disturbances to our Earth’s climate. The author initiates the article by giving a condensed description of a typical workday of the Hopi Tribesmen of northern Arizona; these farmers deduce the success of their crops’ growth by assessing the environmental conditions of their arid, mesa environment. However, due to the spreading issue of rapid climate change, their methods have been rendered futile, and has made it difficult for these tribesmen to continue sustaining themselves. 

Similar to the predicament of the farmers of the Hopi Tribesmen, Schwartzstien continues his article by explaining how the issue of climate change is worsening the living conditions of many peoples’ lives. However, he makes sure to prioritize the specific impact it has on the lives of farmers who heavily rely on their indegineous knowledge of seasonal weather and climate forecasting in order to maintain their crops. He reinforces their dilemma by providing the reader with a list of evidence highlighting a string of problems that mainly influences the forecasting methods of these indeginous farmers, such as bird migrations, wind direction, stars, and etc. The author also strengthens his reasoning by revealing that these farmers are oblivious to the concept of global warming, and explains how they are morally defeated as their indeginious wisdom that they and their ancestors have relied on for such a prolonged period are unfortunately becoming outdated. 

Schwartzstien’s article tries to persuade the reader of the issue of climate change and the specific effect it has on farmers who rely on indigenous farming methods by addressing the moral and mental toll these changes have had on these farmers. He makes sure to focus in on the emotion and trauma that the farmers are psychologically enduring as the methods their people have utilized for centuries are failing. He also tries to convince the readers of the situation of these farmers by mentioning the circumstances of the farmers, explaining how they are not equipped with the contemporary knowledge of our world’s situation in order to know what’s happening to the weather patterns. Schwartzstien’s main use of pathos helps to convince the readers that the situation of farmers in these communities and the ever growing issue of climate change is a devastating and unfortunate problem that will most likely continue to put them at a disadvantage if nothing is done to slow down the process of this global obstacle.   



My chosen genre is the film industry and one article that I found really interesting is How Will the Movies(As We Know Them) Survive the Next 10 Years? 

This article talks about how big studios are taking over each other and how the smaller movies and even the brand titles are struggling and how every single aspect of the movie industry is being called into question. A big producer, Jason Blum said:“This is the biggest shift in the content business in the history of Hollywood”.

People in the movie industry are scared and not sure how it will look like years from now.

So the reporter of this article assembled quotes that were said by the key Hollywood figures and he concluded from what they said that their message to the industry was clear: adapt or die.

He goes into depth of how the movie industry will look like down the road. How and why it’s changing in these drastic ways and based on what these hollywood figures think and from their expertise about the movie industry and from personal experience in their fields they predict how the movie industry will most likely look like and how companies and actors are going to deal with this change.


Fairy tale Genre

The genre that I thought would best suit me is fairy tale. The fairy tale that I chose was, “Why The Autumn Leaves are Red” by Ada and Eleanor Skinner,  the story discusses literally why the colour of the leaves change colours as well as how the sun and moon came about to make our seasons in a world of only animals. It all started with a good deed by one of the little animals.

The story starts by using the animals in kind of like a government settings the Bear, the Deer and a Little Turtle. So in a way kind of like Russia, the United States and Canada at the national council trying to figure out what is the biggest problem in the Earth. In terms of the story they needed light to save them from the darkness so the Little Turtle which is the most peaceful one or Canada worked to do good and bring up the light that everyone needed. And because the deed was fulfilled the Little Turtle received high praise from the others. The Deer (the US because they have trouble generating goods by themselves) became jealous and tried to get some of the action that the Little Turtle got and tried to receive praise for itself and so he went to Skyland and the other animals tried to get him to come back when they found out. That’s when Bear went up to get him to come back ( I guess this should be America) but anyways they ended up in a big fight and then  Deer’s antlers were bleeding and then when he fell the blood went through the sky floor dripping on all the l.eaves changing th colour making it Autumn.

Why The Autumn Leaves Are Red