Pop Music

Knowles-Carter, BeyoncĂ© “I was here” (United Nations World Humanitarian Day Performance Video) 




This song inspired everyone around the world, to remind us that we people should make valuable time in our lives. Once the time comes, let people remember you by your right actions. Once the music started playing, you could tell how passionate she was about her lyrics while she was performing on the stage. She stomped every time she hit the high notes; it also seems that she was very emotional towards the end of her song. She was shaking and tearing, but yet she never let her smile fade away from her face. The video from Beyonce’s music performance focuses more on the screen that is behind her. The video shows people from around the world that were suffering due to crisis and are being helped by those who reaches them. This song is very touching were a point fans at the performance are wiping down their tears. This song is absolutely a fantastic song that encourages people to make a difference in their lives.

To understand the reason that we are alive is to smile. Life is too short for us to be selfish and thinking about yourself. The message that she is sending to her audience that together, no matter what we have we have to be beside each other through bitter and sweet moments. The worst thing Beyonce is trying to prevent suffering alone. One of the strong line she sang “I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time/ Know there was something that/ Meant something that I left behind/ When I leave this world/ I’ll leave no regrets/ Leave something to remember/ So they won’t forget.” for a person to remind other to support others show how big her heart.


Knowles-Carter, BeyoncĂ© “I was here”



“I’d rather go blind,” sang by Beyonce, but originally  Etta James song, describes the deepest feelings of heartbreak.  A song that describes the emotions one feels when the love of your life is cheating on you. Seeing another lady with your man other than you kills every part of your soul to a point where you would rather go blind as Beyonce sings. Going through a heartbreak isn’t easy; it destroys someone mentally, physically, and emotionally, and in worse cases, makes you insecure and weak. “When I saw you and hear her talking/ Something deep down in my soul said, “cry, girl” (cry, cry)/ When I saw you and that girl walking around Ooh/ I would rather, I would rather go blind, boy/ Than to see you walk away from me”, strong words with powerful meaning as Beyonce sings how an  individual is deeply crushed by examining her partner drifting away with someone else, and still not be able to accept it in her head. When you love someone so hard that the mere existence without them, you would rather go blind than to see them with someone else. Imagine you love this person so much, but you realize that a person doesn’t love you back the same. James’s song doesn’t only describe her emotions about her heartbreak but also how she coped with it. She dealt with it by keep crying and writing other songs that can relate to her feelings. 


Lipa, Dua “New Rules”



This song is an excellent reflection of what would happen when a girl is going through a breakup. The first thing a girl would do is ask for advice from her group of her friends, specifically her girlfriends. I love this pop song because it’s different from the others. This song is precisely based on the name of the title from the song. Due tells the steps of what girls should be doing when the beginning of their break up. While Dua was singing, her friends in the video clip directing her not pick up the phone, which would be rule number one. ‘Not pick up the phone, you know he’s only calling because he’s drunk and alone. Rule number two ‘Don’t let him in, or you’ll have to kick him out again. Rule number three ‘don’t be his friend. ‘

Then Dua tells the other woman the same three rules as she had experienced the same conflict that Due went through. However, this song reminds us after a breakup we are weak and not strong enough to walk away but wanted to return back to commit mistakes and before making a wrong decision we go to our friends or close one just to get support from them or to stop us.  Dua song “New Rules” is basically about once a female goes through a breakup, she would be having her girls supporting her until she recovers. According to the clip Dua, once she recovers and passing the rules to her other friends that are just going through a new break up, they went for vacation. The video was straight to the point with no expiration on their faces, except at the beginning of the video, they had a sad face. Seriously this video has such a fantastic concept and lots of meanings that no matter what we individuals are not strong enough to hold our feelings toward toxic relationships and wanting to go back but without any support from a friend we would have been drowned.


Lovato, Demi “Sober.” Songwriters. Demi Lovato; Mark Landon; Tushar Apte; Sam Roman, June 21, 2018. Article Nick Romano, “ Demi Lovato confesses ‘I’m not sober anymore’ in new song” June 21, 2018


In this article, Nick Romano explains the journey and struggles that singer Demi Lovato went through early in her career. Many artists these days like to convey messages through their music, and Lovato is one of them. Lovato struggled with drugs and alcohol addiction. Lovato describes in her music how painful it was to go through addiction when she was alone. She was courageous enough to tell her audience what she’s been fighting through her music industry.

Lovato felt likes she owes an apology to her family and fans because she is considered to be a role model to many youngsters, and what she did is something that should never be encouraged. Even though its to explain whats she’s been going through and nobody would understand not unless if they were in her shoes. Like an addiction, it’s not easy for one to explain him or herself. She sings “Momma, I’m so sorry, I’m not sober anymore/ And daddy, please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor
. I’m sorry for the fans I lost/Who watched me fall again /I wanna be a role model /But I’m only human.” The fact that she said, “I’m only human,” she is expecting that no one will judge her from her weakness and put their place in her shoes. Notice how there are no high notes or any massive belts that are in most of her songs. She isn’t trying to impress anyone or make it a hit. This Is a song purely for her and her supporters. It’s just raw, beautiful, and full of emotion. Even the tone of the music is very emotional. While she was singing, it sounded like if she was broken inside. In the article, Romano mentions that towards the end of Sober, Lavato sings, “I’m sorry that I’m here again/ I promise I’ll get help/ It wasn’t my intention/I’m sorry to myself.” She released the album once she was recovered to inspire others who might be going through what she went through to seek help and never to give up. 


Perry, Katy “Firework”



Fireworks is a very beautiful song that has a very powerful meaning.  This song talks about revealing for has been hiding from the public such as sexuality, characters and who we are. It let us know that we shouldn’t be afraid to fight for what we believed in. Perry sings “You don’t have to feel like a waste of space/ You’re original, cannot be replaced/ If you only knew what the future holds/ After a hurricane comes a rainbow/ Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed/ So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road/ Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow/ And when it’s time, you’ll know.” I really love this song and the messages it gives. It really says that if you want to make everyone happy, then you need to also be happy. Always try to light a spark in you and give yourself something to look forward to.  In the song, she says “come on let your colors burst” what she means by this is make yourself shine and there is no need to be embarrassed appreciate yourself as you are. The clip was almost 4 minutes, but in the short timing, the clip that was created for this song shows several different types of a topic of how a person is insecure and at the end of the clip shows how they over become it, just by facing what they have hidden from. And for that at the end of the clip, everyone that overcome the fear gathers together starting to dance with an optimistic vibe due to the fact that they don’t have fears anymore. The tone of the song is motivated. I show clearly how Katy Perry clearly wants everyone and including her fans to be happy and live a positive life.

Trainor, Meghan  “All About That Bass”



Meghan Trainor delivers positive pop music sending a message for females that are insecure about their body. Trainor mentions that girls don’t love themselves as much as they really should. In her song “All About The Bass,” she sends great messages such as “Yeah, my mama, she told me don’t worry about your size
.You know I will be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll/ So if that what you’re into, then go ahead and move along.”  for Trainor send a message about beauty and how to love yourself is very important, mostly when it comes to teenage girls because they usually compare themselves to models and fake advertisement brainwashing those who are insecure about themselves to mold them into something that is unrealistic. Her letter is to allow all the girls to accept themselves from top to bottom in order for them to be happy. Even the song that she released showed all figured with different sizes, colors, and heights to provide in their mindset that it’s okay to not be perfect and we humans come in different figures.


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