Restaurant Review

Ali. (2019, April 28). REVIEW: Come for the Burgers, Stay for the Shakes at Black Tap… Retrieved from

This restaurant review is based on a new diner that opened in a theme park and what people thought about it. WDW News Today is an online news and information resource on Disney Parks Worldwide. This specific review, has an informal tone to it because of how the information is said and the organization of the review itself. The author persuades her audience by adding pictures to capture what the restaurant looks like and the whereabouts of the setting. This helps draw the attention of the place to the audience, due to the restaurant’s colorful scheme and for its 90s and early 2000 feels. This attracts, more specifically, an older group of people who can reminisce about the good times. Pathos appeals are what helps the audience, in this case the theme, to visit the restaurant because of the emotion attached to something meaningful in their life. Not only the use of pathos helps attract people, but also the location of the diner is at. Downtown Disney is a very popular spot to visit and because of that, the restaurant’s credibility builds up because of it. Any place built in a location that gets millions of visitors, it seemed as great too. So by stating the location of the restaurant it’s going to be looked at as great and be highly recommended to eat at. This is how the reviewer views and appeal to their audience.                     

Crowley, Chris. “The Riddler Opens in NYC With Champagne, Caviar, and Tater-Tot Waffles.”      Grub Street, 30 Sept. 2019,

This restaurant review gives a glimpse on the new Riddler opening in New York and how it will feature a list of over 100 bottles of wine and a new menu of food that has a mixture of American and French culture. These features are promised by a larger kitchen and a vision that Jen Pelka and her team, promise for the customers they soon will invite into their home. Grub Street is a site that gives customers an inside look at how a dining experience will look in specific places. Their audience expands from 2.2 million visitors online, with a 63% being women and 37% being men, who enjoy the critics given by this site. This specific review has a formal tone to it, due to its past reputation on its San Francisco location and on the expectation of the new location just having high as the San Fran Riddler. Using ethos in this article, the reviewer states different collaborations the owner is making to build its credibility to stand out, even more than their previous standards. Collaborations in wine and food dishes with famous wine corporations and chefs builds the restaurant’s attention to more and diverse customers. This gives the audience a look at how the restaurant is high maintenance and promise to give you a fine dining experience. Also, using pathos to engage a certain audience by adding specific appeals to meet their needs. For example, the reviewer states that if a group of people go to the location and are celebrating a newly wedded couple, they would be given a bucket that the owner’s aunt got as a wedding anniversary gift. This sentiment gives more appeals towards the location and gives the restaurant a more sentimental feel as well as professionalism in both ways. This is how the reviewer views and appeal to their audience.

Levine, Ed. “Dallas BBQ: Boldly Going Where No Other Food Writer Has Gone Before.” Serious Eats, Serious Eats, 29 Sept. 2009,

This review talks about how Ed Levine’s first experience at Dallas BBQs, being the first food critic or food writer or blogger, to give a review on such a place. Serious Eats is a website that gives millions of people background on what is great to eat and drink and give tips and recipes on how to make great food. Levine, at the beginning of the article, states the major ethos the restaurant has, given that the place is packed every time he passes by during lunch and dinner. By stating this, it gives his audience a great expectation of the restaurant to be great. Also, the statement of using logos in his article, saying that they serve humongous meals for cheap prizes, makes the audience want to see such a statement be true. With these appeals, it draws the audience to experience this at a place where the big meals for cheap, is to be proven right. This can also appeal to those families or individuals that are not so rich, to enjoy a meal of great portions for a low value. The article also says that you can be rich or poor and can go to enjoy a great meal for a reasonable price that the author promises in its article. With a great state of credibility and ratio of food to prize, it makes the people want to go and take a look for themselves if they would leave the restaurant with a stomach full of food that will last them a couple of days. This is what the reviewer views on the restaurant and how he influences his audience. 

Reichl, Ruth. “RESTAURANTS.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Oct. 1997,

“Restaurants” gives a simple explanation on the best caviar dishes at Caviar Russe. Ruth Reichl, gives the inside feel of the restaurant and gives a personal explanation on what food is like at the place. The New York Times, founded in 1851, is a multimedia company that brings you stories, reviews, facts, and much more news around the world. Reichl uses a very casual, yet sad tone throughout the review. Using pathos, she explained the restaurant to be a great place to eat alone. This persuades the audience by making see that its scene is very calm and a place where you as a guest can treat yourself to fine dining with a peaceful place to enjoy your food in such grace. With the convenience of having such a great place to eat, this also gives a sense of ethos to it because the fine dining and caviar testing give you a place of such classy and elegant feel that any customer would like. The audience Reichl is appealing to are the rich and elegant, who seek to eat a pleasant meal with an exquisite taste of caviar by the gram. These appeals make the audience want to go to a place where they can feel greater or important in the state of how the restaurant makes them feel. This is how the reviewer views and influences their audience.

Reichl, Ruth. “RUTH REICHL’S TOP 40 RESTAURANTS.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 6 May 1990,

This review is Ruth Reichl’s opinion about the Top 40 of the best restaurants in Los Angeles (LA) are. The Los Angeles Times is the largest daily newspaper with about 1.2 million readers daily. The tone of the review is a mixture of casual and funny, with a hint of cockiness. She talks about what she likes about the restaurant and what she finds that can be better about it. In one of the many mini-reviews, she said that the food at a specific restaurant is amazing and of course the chef there knows her. At the beginning of the article, she states that she has the chance to visit 40 restaurants, and written hundreds of different joints to visit. The 40 she picked, shows how much more these specific places stand out from the other ones. With this, it persuades her audience that these places have much more to offer than the other restaurants she had written down to visit. This gives the places picked, top credibility because Reichl reviews on the hot spots, will draw attention to them. Also, the credibility that’s shown throughout the review, it can turn the attention away from the restaurant to the reviewer. Her audience might think that she’s just writing a review to show off her status, The attention shifts from its purpose to something that’s not pleasing to her audience. People don’t want to read a review of a person talking themselves up, the audience wants to read a review of the best restaurants. This is what the review is about and what the audience is in need.              

Wells, Pete. “Restaurant Review: Javelina in Gramercy Park.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 19 May 2015,

This restaurant review gives a back story on what inspired the creation of its Tex-Mex culture and food. Also, how the atmosphere and the food ties it all together. The New York Times is a multi-medium venue, which can be found as a newspaper or on the internet. This specific review’s audience was towards people who like to find a new place to eat and learn a new culture. The tone I found to be very casual and funny, the way the reviewer used references on how the ambiance of the restaurant is by how the people there filled the room with “youthful animation.” The use of humor throughout the article has made the view of the restaurant seem somewhat unprofessional. Meaning, using humor in solving the mystery of the missing black beans in a famous dish that’s supposed to come with it, is later on solved by the waiter brings it 5 minutes later. The use of pathos in a humorous way changes the way the restaurant is looked as, makes it seem unprofessional on many levels. The audience then thinks about ever visiting this place that doesn’t fulfill their needs. This is how the reviewer views and influences their audience.


2 thoughts on “Restaurant Review”

  1. This annotated bibliography is well detailed. One thing I learned is how you were able to cite your evidence and back it up with reasoning to explain the reviewer’s stance about the restaurant.

  2. I think you used a really good topic, you used a lot of information on restaurant critiques, like the setting of the restaurant, who goes to the restaurants, the different menus, etc. He’s dives in and fully explain these restaurant critiques.

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