Light Music

Light music is my favorite music genre. Light music can make people work hard, relieve stress, avoid chronic diseases, etc. These are medically based. In medical research, it is found that frequent contact with light music rhythm and rhythm can have certain effects On the brain wave, heartbeat, gastrointestinal motility, magnetic induction, etc., and thus make the body and mind healthy. The invisible power of music far exceeds personal imagination, so listening to light music and appreciating light music is a very common life adjustment for modern People. I always listen light music after class, it makes me feel relaxed. When I feel unpleasant, I will listen to some lighter music. It can give me a good mood. In a sense, it can cure my bad mood. Piano Prince Richard Clayderman is my favorite light music artist, his music works can easily bring you into a dreamlike scene. In the few seconds before his famous work “The Wedding in Dreams”, the piano sounds seem to have an unknown power to bring you into the wedding hall. This song is full of his mysterious feeling about the wedding. He can tell what he imagines in a song without lyrics. This is the place where he is most attracted to me. Although there is no lyrics in light music, but it can make the audience feel the same. I believe this is the most magical place for light music.


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