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Ethics in Graphic Design 02

A) Based on the readings, it has changed some perspectives on my own design work. Some were regarding rights, proper solutions, and entitlements. Use of Photography was a good reading since I do some photography work within my internship and personal work. As I take product photos for the clients, I am giving them the license and rights to use them for any particular circumstances. I may not be able to promote them under my portfolio but can refer to it as work I’ve done. This can reply back to copyrights. Copyrights define the ownership done by a designer under circumstances. Since I didn’t sign any disclosure or agreements regarding copyrights I have the right to post them for personal portfolio use.

B) The case study on the hope poster debate is common discussion among designers. As designers, we create new pieces of art which can translate as posters, menu boards, social media posts and other forms of medium. Most of the time these creations are taken from inspirations or ideal practices from others. Once they are reshaped by the designer, it can be considered a new work of art. Based on the case, giving credit or mentioning the inspiration of the work is needed to prevent such conflict.

Ethics in Graphic Design 01

A) Working as an intern for Legends Hospitality has been an interesting experience for me. My position has entrusted me to create menu boards for Yankee Stadium and handle the social media platforms for the Oculus’ Beer Garden. For Yankee Stadium, they provided me with the style guideline which contains color schemes, logo placement, usage, etc. They also provided our brands such as the beer logos, food chains, and the photos taken for their products. Even at moments, I was entrusted to capture photos of their products to be used on menu boards and point of sale systems. Some brands require trademarks symbols after the name of the food within the stadium. For the Beer Garden, I was given only their logo as a jpeg and no style guideline. I propose I can create a guideline for them within the summer which they happily agree to. 

B) When I started the internship I had connections working at Legends Hospitality since I already have worked with him for many years. There was nothing for me to sign to protect their company or branding of others. I believe there was an agreement done beforehand with the creative team owned by the Yankees themselves. They would send us the proper files and images needed. Same goes for working with the Oculus Beer Garden. After working with them for a couple of weeks they did want me to make sure that any work I do goes to them first. Once it is approved, it will be placed up on the screens or printed out. They also gave me full permission to use any work and photos of the project for my portfolio. I would have to make sure they release it on their end first then I can post it on my portfolio website.

5) Bases Loaded

Throughout my internship, I am the only graphic intern within the stadium. When it comes to collaboration projects, there are none. However, my supervisor has assigned me to work at the Oculus Beer Garden as well as part of my internship. I work as their social media handler and photographer. We have a collaboration with One World Observatory for events, market promotions, and sponsors for the company. The way we communicate is through Microsoft Team and Outlook. As I take the photos, I have to remind myself to focus on the brand sponsors and the image of the locations.

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