Blog #5 Gordon Park’s Work



One of Gordon Park’s work which is one of the spread from one of his first series article on crime called “The Atmosphere of Crime”. It was first published on September 9, 1957.  Life magazine asked Parks to illustrate a serious of articles on the crimes that was happen in the US during 1957. He already a staff photographer for over a decade and was the first African American who was able to hold that kind of position. Life Magazine Editor not one want to examine the rising rate of the criminal but the lack of response to such criminal activities. Gordon started to plan a six weeks journey where him and the reporter were on the street of New York , Chicago ,San Francisco and also Los Angeles. Unlike his works, all of his images would be made in color. The Atmosphere of Crime wasn’t just known to be an eight pages photo essay and having its bold aesthetic , it was known for how it was challenging stereotyping toward criminality and it was spreading widely through the mainstream media. 
Spread from “The Atmosphere of Crime,”