Things to do by Sunday sept 14th at noon

Complete the Python Syntax lesson and the Tip Calculator example on codecademy.


Watch and complete the following tutorials at

1. Downloading and Installing

2. Interface and Navigation

3. Modeling


Don’t just watch them, actually do the things they are showing you by following along in blender. Save your work from the Modeling exercise as .blend file named “YourName-ModelingExercise.blend” replace YourName with your name and email it to me at


If you run into problems make a post on the class blog asking for help. This will work best if you do it well before the deadline for this assignment. I and your fellow classmates will try to help you out if you are stuck.

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Things to do by Wed sept 10th at noon

Sign up to

Join the class website at

sign up to

sign up to

go to and download the appropriate version of Blender for the computer you will be working on. It will run off of a USB storage device so you can put it on a key and run it on any computer if you don’t have one of your own. Even if you use lab computers that have Blender installed you should keep your own copy so you can make customizations and modifications to the user interface.


log into blackboard through and make certain your password works and you are part of the class.


make a post to the class blog, introduce yourself (using whatever pseudonym you like if you want to preserve your privacy), say something about your interests in interactive 3d and include a link to something that inspired you to take a class on making this stuff (games, simulations, augmented reality, visualizations, etc). Include your github and codecademy user names. If you have problems with any of the above steps, include them in your post so I and your classmates can help you sort them out.

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Journal Entry 5/7/2013

Assisted Rich with the character selection in Blend swap.  I was able to find a fully rigged and animated wolf.  I Created a master folder on my hard drive to organize and store all project related documentation and files.  Coordinated team meetings outside of class time in order to achieve our weekly goals in accordance to the Work Load Itinerary.

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Journal Entry 5/2/2013

Ian Hodgson

Journal Entry


Work Load Itinerary –Timeline

(4/25)- Goals:

·         Complete the slide show presentation for the king of Israel

Assign team members their parts for presentation

Work on the time limits for each presenter’s part

Gather each presenters picks for the slide

·         Continue with documentation

Assign Wale to draft documentation write up

Team members assigned specific information to give Wale for documentation

Rich – Working on the environment, distribute to Wale all errors involve with the production of the environment and the fixes we came up with as a group

Yoonshik- Researched file distributed file to Wale

Ian & Rosa – Organization, documentation distributed to Wale

·         Create the environment

The team decided on first and third person views for the engagement of the environment

We also decided on a path structure in order of explanation for the necessarily of the game

With the environment we decided on the esthetics to be wilderness, rock, tree, and river

·         Start character selection

Due:  Tuesday 4:30 – preparation for slide show presentation

(5/2)-Goals = Identify the problems and suggestions expressed in response to our presentation.  Finish character selection from Blend swap. Define assigned character animations in correlation to the story line and functionality of the game.   

 Due: Identify fighting sequences for antagonist characters (wolves, and bear).  Ian creates a Work Load Itinerary for the group and posts it as a journal entry.

(5/7)-Goals = Discuss teaching and leading controls of the game.  Create simple obstacles in the beginning with visual instructions instead of a tutorial at the opening of KOI. Do this embodying the 3rd player aspect of the game and preparation for upcoming fight scenes.

  Due: Think of reward gratifications. Also the placement of sensors throughout the environment.

(5/9)-Goals = Create walk through for the incorporation of game elements and functionalities.  Make sure the elements are not only consistent with the story line, but accent the reward factors.

  Due: Rosa post walk through to site as a journal entry.  Make sure other team member’s journal entries are current.

(5/14)-Goals = Create sound walk through frame work for KOI.  We will achieve this by using the music selections Yoonshik gathered (making sure we have appropriate sharing privileges for selections). Yoonshik post sounds walk through as journal entry.

 Due: Completed character rigging / animations.  Submitted changes to the environment such as increase the stable size, change the prayer alter to a temple, and create a gate on the sheep pen.  (5/16)-Goals = Too implement the character selections on to our functioning environment.  Be sure to follow the walk cycle for game play as to identify errors in its functionality and cohesion.

  Due: implement the sound cycle and training text into game infrastructure.

(5/21)-Goals = Finished proto type of “king of Israel”.  Also each team member’s should have their choice of slides for the final presentation.

Due: Each team member’s 20 minute breakdown of each slide for the slideshow presentation.  We will meet Tuesday 5/21 at 4pm – 6pm to correlate our information as well as to practice our timing for Thursday’s final presentation.  We aim to specifically address the corrections/suggestions offered in our previous presentation.  Upload the game to open labs on Thursday 5/23 cheers!

(5/23)-Goals = Display slide show presentation to instructor and class.

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Journal Entry: Matope, Remy’s Progress II

Done before class:

  • First to third person camera animation, PageUp (and vice versa, PageDown)
  • Movement controls, W, A, S, D, Space (forward, left, backward, right, jump)
  • Added a “cone of focus” for NPC interaction. This cone is stuck to the player’s “face”, and when it hits an NPC, the NPC will look at you. When you type with the NPC’s attention, it knows you’re talking to it and responds accordingly. (Idea for later development: dynamically adjusting cone when screen space is crowded with NPCs)
  • Added a chat box for NPC interaction. I threw in an input that shows the text you’re typing on screen. When you hit enter, it appends your text to a chat box. Soon, NPC dialogue will also go into the box. Text is drawn as an overlay, so it doesn’t intersect with geometry in game. Needs a little more polishing, specifically a background for readability, a delay to disappear, and a line limit/scroll.
  • Made the chat box go away after a delay. When the player is typing, the chat box stays regardless of the delay.

Done during class:

  • Made it so NPCs “lose interest” (do something else) when you don’t interact with them.
  • Our NPCs respond to us when inquiring about quests and saying hello.
  • Proof of concept quest
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(Project-KOI) Sounds for the Game

Sound files for the King of Israel game:








67 sec

Background music

12 MB



1 sec

When sheep is clicked

12 KB



3 sec

When player gets sheep

37 KB



8 sec

When player is near river

1.4 MB



5 sec

When player is under attack

479 KB



5 sec

When wolf comes out

123 KB



4 sec

When bear comes out

37 KB



16 sec

Opening soundtrack

274 KB



155 sec

When player prays

2.5 MB



90 sec

Player succeeds

1.4 MB



15 sec

Player fails

385 KB



1 sec

When player attacks

33 KB



3 sec

When wolf/bear dies

61 KB

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(Project-KOI) Game flow/walk through

Game flow/walk through

  • increase the size of the pen when he comes out of hut
  • shrubs blocking entire doorway which he has to clear through prompts/instructions
  • instructions comes up, go check on your sheep
  • all goals will be in gold color
  • all other words be in silver color
  • 4 sheep inside the pen, increase pen distance
  • after the pen instructions appear have the sheep graze
  • stomp down shaft, sheep will follow
  • bear hide in bush
  • arrow pointing for direction
  • when in field, prompt will come up to graze
  • when the sheep are grazing, there will be a 30 second timer
  • David can hit the staff to let them begin grazing and hit again to let them stop grazing
  • afterwards the next goal is to take sheep back to the pen
  • on the way back to the pen he encounters a wolf
  • he fights the wolf with prompts coming up on how to fight
  • after killing the wolf, he’s rewarded with a scripts that replenish his faith bar
  • he puts the sheep in the pen
  • then an instruction comes up telling him he’s missing two sheep “THEY ARE STRANDED AT THE TEMPLE”
  • he gets out of the hut and goes to the boat, along the way he encounters a wolf that he kills with ease
  • after he defeats the wolf, an arrow appears showing a plant
  • the info on the plant is that it restores the health of the sheep
  • he takes it and put it in pouch
  • he drives the boat solo with commands telling him how to get on and how to drive
  • arrows tell him how to get to the temple
  • carry the sheep back to the boat with instructions appearing on how to do so
  • he drives the boat back to the pen and then another prompt comes telling David to take the sheep to go graze again.
  • there he encounters a bear
  • after fighting the bear, he returns what left of the sheep to the pen and goes for eveing prayer
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(Project-KOI) Character abilities

Character Abilities

  • stomp of shaft (all sheeps stop)
  • make temple for praying
  • bear swipe
  • wolf launch to attack
  • blood for attack
  • die scene
  • find sheep and bring it to the rest area and on boat
  • bar for point & life
  • hidden treasure – bible verse
  • task 1- fight wolf
  • verses – find (1/7) etc.
  • sheep gets killed = lose mana


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Project Update

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Journal Entry: Project Status

So I haven’t done this in a while but since the project was proposed, I’ve made alot of headway in my job as the animator and modeler. Here’s the rundown:


Basic enemies have walk and attack animations. This goes for the melee and ranged enemies.

The final boss as two attack animations and a idle animation as well.

I even did a muzzle flash animation for the players gun. It’s not the best work I’ve done but I hope to really polish that specifically in the future.


I would put up a video about it but everything is a secret until the end!

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