A Project Space for ID2 Interns

Week 5 – Destiny Thomas

After reading the first chapter of Design for Information: An Introduction to the Histories, Theories, and Best Practices Behind Effective Information Visualizations, I got more of an insight of visual hierarchies in design. When I think of visual hierarchy in design it’s putting together your design and showing the order of importance. We have to think about the placement of titles, photos, subheads, body copy text and elements. Thinking about the placement can help users and readers better understand what you are trying to communicate. In the reading it mentions visual hierarchy emphasizing attention. Another word they used is contrast to show the visual importance of information. Reading more about this reminds me again of my Information Design class I took. When making a poster that is filled with information you have to think about what information is important and what you want them to read first.

Doing my own research and finding outside documents that are about information design I found this article that simply defines what information design is. It includes a lot of images and visual maps to describe it.


1 Comment

  1. Wilna Michel

    The chapter does remind me of the Information Design Class. The class covered how to present information, but also like most COMD classes: visual hierarchy. The link you included below is very helpful and explains both information design/ Data visualization clearly. It includes great diagrams and examples that make the topic digestible.

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