The presentation from Ms. Zhao was very informational. As we had reviewed the initial results of our survey, I felt discouraged that it was mostly a City Tech thing where people do not like to participate in surveys or activities relating to the school, however, the data Ms. Zhao presented helped me understand that the result we were receiving were to be expected because of various factors: student pool size, form of survey (digital v. physical), academic calendar (it’s summer), etc… The fact that 20% is considered a “normal/likely” response rate was surprising to me.

Furthermore, in regard to the survey itself, the type amount of open-ended responses along with the length of the survey impact the results that we received. Certain questions lead to producing “biased answers.”

The reading reinforced aspects of previous readings relating to the nesting/storing of information in various methods. The different methods of nesting/storing represented by the various diagrams throughout the reading illustrate how complex/simple ideas or information can be represented: how each node or “data” relates to one another.