I found the UX Deep Dive on analyzing data very informative. I felt like it was very clear and concise on using data in a more real world examples. It felt very professional and gives clear insight in to the way data would be looked at in a job. The break downs for qualitative data and analyzation of it were also informative in helping explain the data we would receive from our surveys. I found the most helpful parts about how us analyzing and sifting through the data might be best done alone and reconvening as a group to discuss our insights so our findings are all very unique.

For the analyzing survey results I found it very useful and something we can employ, the slack example is key in showing how just because the score is low, does not mean something is not working it could mean that there is another method to employ because of how a smaller percentage bringing down the average score feels.

As for some useful materials in Information theory I have found a couple of useful links that helped me understand a bit more, some need to be scrubbed through and decided which parts are important but most have a lot of useful information.

This is the university of Cambridges explanation. I found it useful
I found this to be a much more digestible, small explanation by the man himself, Claude Shannon!

As for the new textbook I wasn’t sure which part to read so I read the introduction and the 1st chapter. I found them both much more easy to read than the other textbook. Although most of the explanations are technical, they are much easier to follow with word content as well as visual content.