The plot beds are ready for seeds to be planted! Sara and Tristen raked, shoveled, and leveled the plot on a beautiful, windy Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile, some bok choy seeds went into a flat in the greenhouse and the seeds we planted last week are starting to sprout! This Thursday, March 20th, some of us will be meeting in N201 around 10:30am to go plant some field greens and other seeds, and possibly transfer our greenhouse seedlings. Professor H also got us a good amount of organic compost we can work into the soil as well. Thursday should be sunny with a high of 52* so come on out and get your hands dirty!
I want to get involved- can I come too?
Of course, all new, old and interested members are welcome. Meet us at N201 at 10:30a on Thurs and dress warmly!
Awesome, looking forward to meeting all of the members.