Restaurant Review

Molecular Gastronomy?
What do you think?
Read the article A Culinary Circus, Fresh From the Lab
What do you think of this food trend? 
Got to have It? or Make it Stop!

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21 Responses to Restaurant Review

  1. JR Shihab says:

    After reading the article “A Culinary Circus, Fresh from the Lab” I found myself curious about these dishes that were more of an edible science project than familiar food. I have to agree with David Corcoran when he states, “There was plenty going on – if not too much”. It sounds like there is way too much going on in the actual plate to really take it in and enjoy it all. From the article I get the feeling this isn’t cost effective but can prove to be amazing if done right, and so far Adara hasn’t completely found what works, even though they are very ambitious. Maybe it is too early to tell what will come of Adara but if it were closer to where I live, I would try it sooner than later. It’s fun to try different things and molecular gastronomy is definitely different. In NJ I know of a fondue place where everything is fondue and they haven’t closed yet, so if they can make it work, I feel Adara can succeed with their direction of high-tech cuisine.

  2. JR Shihab says:

    After reading the article “A Culinary Circus, Fresh from the Lab” I found myself curious about these dishes that were more of an edible science project than familiar food. I have to agree with David Corcoran when he states, “There was plenty going on – if not too much”. It sounds like there is way too much going on in the actual plate to really take it in and enjoy it all. From the article I get the feeling this isn’t cost effective but can prove to be amazing if done right, and so far Adara hasn’t completely found what works, even though they are very ambitious. Maybe it is too early to tell what will come of Adara but if it were closer to where I live, I would try it sooner than later. It’s fun to try different things and molecular gastronomy is definitely different. In NJ I know of a fondue place where everything is fondue and they haven’t closed yet, so if they can make it work, I feel Adara can succeed with their direction of high-tech cuisine.

  3. JR Shihab says:

    After reading the article “A Culinary Circus, Fresh from the Lab” I found myself curious about these dishes that were more of an edible science project than familiar food. I have to agree with David Corcoran when he states, “There was plenty going on – if not too much”. It sounds like there is way too much going on in the actual plate to really take it in and enjoy it all. From the article I get the feeling this isn’t cost effective but can prove to be amazing if done right, and so far Adara hasn’t completely found what works, even though they are very ambitious. Maybe it is too early to tell what will come of Adara but if it were closer to where I live, I would try it sooner than later. It’s fun to try different things and molecular gastronomy is definitely different. In NJ I know of a fondue place where everything is fondue and they haven’t closed yet, so if they can make it work, I feel Adara can succeed with their direction of high-tech cuisine.

    • wongwirene37 says:

      I agree that Adara will succeed in the future. I believed that this is new trend in the food industry. I will like to try it too because it sound amazing and also a good experience. I also agreed that the plates are going to be pricey

  4. wongwirene37 says:

    (First comment was replying to JR.) My comment: I believed that Adara took his time and dedication to something that he really love, which inspired me. The new techniques and style sound very unique and interesting. It will be a good experience to try. I will like to dine in Adara’s restaurant to familiar with the new trends and compared to different restaurants style. I believed that later in the future this trend will expand and will become very popular, which many people will want to try out. Although the price is very expensive, when I get rich I will definitely try it.

    • MagdalenaO says:

      I have to agree with Irene there must be love in the dishes created at Adara because the chef is dedicated to what he loves to do. His approach is not a common one so he is taking a risk and I think it definitely will pay off. I do believe that New York City would be a better location for such a unique restaurant. I definitely want to try this chef’s cuisine when “I get rich” as well 🙂

  5. vanessa says:

    The food trend at Adara is beyond exciting to me. It just amazes me with the creativity of creating high-tech cuisine and making it work. Although chefs tend to have big egos, I do believe that this science project food will be a hit. It is a new change and has alot of potential. I truly hope that this trend continues and succeeds. I’m looking forward to trying a mozzarella balloon and hope that I can actually be able to finish it.

  6. MagdalenaO says:

    After reading the article about “A Culinary Circus, Fresh from the Lab” also known as Adara Restaurant, I am truly mesmerized with the idea of molecular gastronomy. Even though not everything seems to be done to perfection at Adara like the mozzarella balloon or the olive oil gelato I would love to go there because there aren’t a lot of restaurants like this one so it would be a totally new experience and yes an expensive one. You live only once so I would definitely want to dine at Adara, another thing that is pretty cool is that even though the restaurant doesn’t have a license to serve alcohol you are allowed to bring your own wine which I am sure will change as soon as they do get the license. Which means that if you want to have a totally new experience and enjoy some wine that you don’t have to pay a crazy amount of money for this is the perfect time to go. The concept of molecular gastronomy like the article says has been around for some time now, but I haven’t run into any restaurants of this kind so new concept or old concept doesn’t really matter to me I still want to visit.

  7. sussy says:

    According to ( Molecular gastronomy is food science that seeks to explain practical use of physical and chemical transformation occurring in the cooking process.
    While reading article “A Culinary Circus, Fresh from the Lab,” i was truly amazed by the creativity of high-tech cuisine Adara’s restaurant is pursuing. As the title says it, i think of it as a circus where magic takes place and questions of How did they do it? and What inspire them to have such incredible ideas embraced me. Because molecular gastronomy is labor intensive, demand lots of preparation and presentation, its prices are very high. However, it does not matter how high Adara’s restaurant menu prices are, i would love to try this food trend and become part of Adara’s wizard world.

  8. Edwin Mejia says:

    Tre Ghoshal is only 30 years old, yet he has become the executive chef and owner of his own “dream come true” restaurant. He says that he is ready for his Michelin star, what determination he has. On those facts alone, I would dine at Adara. I became a fan of Molecular Gastronomy in the Basq

  9. Edwin Mejia says:

    Tre Ghoshal is only 30 years old, yet he has become the executive chef and owner of his own “dream come true” restaurant. He says that he is ready for his Michelin star, what determination he has. On those facts alone, I would dine at Adara.

    I became a fan of Molecular Gastronomy in the Spanish Basque Country. I had dinner at Azurmendi in Iarrabetzu, Spain. The Chef Eneko Atxa is on the ranks of Ferran
    Adria when it comes to Molecular Gastronomy. I had a 9 course meal for 145 Euros, or about $315, each course accompanied by a red or white wine pairing. I would have paid $700 for the gastronomical pleasures I had.

    Adara doesn’t seem to be at that level. However, he is young and ambitious. His menu seemed wild and provocotive, qualities you expect from a young mind. I believe foodies from the tri state area will be willing to visit Adara. The menu is fairly priced, and the Montclair area of New Jersey is wealthy. Ghoshal will discover challanges, and he will best his challanges. I will support his efforts very soon.

  10. Christopher J. Hernandez says:

    Molecular Gastronomy is like family even if you want to get rid of them they will always be around. It’s a new and exciting way for the customers to experience food. We all know that there is a science to food especially when baking and molecular gastronomy just takes it to that next level. When I am in the culinary and baking labs I always thought to myself, “Is this absolutely the best temperature to cook or bake the food, or is this the best technique to use, or I hope I did not mess this up.” But luckily molecular gastronomy is a, “Food science that seeks to investigate, explain and make practical use of the physical and chemical transformations of ingredients that occur while cooking, as well as the social, artistic and technical components of culinary and gastronomic phenomena in general” (wikipedia). So having molecular gastronomy around is not only a benefit to the customers but to the future of the culinary world.

  11. kiba says:

    Adara restaurant may be a new tend for the the rich and famous but is it very low key the answer is no. So that sort of thing may never ever be serve to me. I can’t say that it doesn’t interest me because I am a foodie..However food in itself is a science but adding chemical that are new to the science of cooking is a bit on the crazy size.

  12. belle says:

    I always believe the simpler, the better when it comes to food/cooking. But molecular gastronomy seems to be whole new world of culinary industry. I’m still not sure whether I would like it or not, but it would definitely be fun to try. I love the fact that I can experience and feel the passion of the chef with his dish/course, and simply, it is interesting to see these two words “food” and “high-tech” on the same line. This style of restaurant is absolutely new in New York city, so it’s worth checking out even though the course is pricey.

  13. frankiepau says:

    Molecular Gastronomy may be a trend, but I also think it’s unhealthy and not to mention unfulfilling. First of all it’s foam which is air and paying for air is nonsensical to me. The price for the dishes are high priced too and it takes a lot of effort to make it. I don’t think it’s worth the time and money to make. It may look good, but I think it’s better off in the food show at Javits Jacob Center.

  14. itsminjeee says:

    Adara is showing awesome techinques in their restaurants. The fact that they use molecular gastronomy to their dishes is an amazing and very creative. Its one of those times to go and experience it. But I believe its very hard to have a business running everyday or the week because of its labor. Also the fact that you need the experience and skills to create an dish. And using molecular gastronomy can also cause some health issues as well. But i would love to go there and dine. To experience the pretty they make. I would love to get the 14 tasting dishes that $105!!

    Molecular Gastronomy

  15. J.David says:

    Molecular gastronomy has always intrigue me. After reading the article entitled “A Culinary Circus, Fresh from the Lab”, i must say this restaurant took it to a whole new level. The chef is truly talented…although his approach may seem uncommon, he is taking the risk and I think it definitely will pay off in the future 🙂

  16. dtsang says:

    I think its nice to try new things. I wouldn’t mind dining there once just to try out their 7-course meal. I usually don’t like to affliate science and food, but the article does make it seem interesting to try since we all do eat with our eyes.

  17. jazzjoy says:

    Molecular gastronomy seems interesting.It doesesn’t seem like the food tastes good. Perhaps its overrated. It would be something I would like to try. It’s amazing the types of products people can come up with all in the name of science.

  18. Nicole says:

    I love the idea of gastronomy. I must have it. Chef Ramsey had a show out i believe about a year ago called Best Restaurant, and there was two brothers who put a lot of science into their food. They created amazing desserts, ones that had smoke and a powerful lemon scent to indulge your taste buds. i was fascinated, and thought it was a great idea. As far as for the food, i would love to try the seven courses, but i just hope i can make it to the seventh course. It seems like they have a lot of hearty dishes in the courses, and i would prefer small meals so i can taste all of them without feeling overwhelmed. I would love to visit this restaurant and look forward to attending it this summer.

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