
Course Description

Procedural, customer and staff perspectives involved in the provision of quality service as practiced in a dining room operation laboratory.  Student rotation through dining room service positions with emphasis on responsibilities of planning, producing and evaluating service.  Practice of proper safety and sanitation.  Critique of restaurant service.

Course Objective

Upon completion of HMGT 2305, students will be able to:

  1. Define and explain proper menu and operational terminology.
  2. Identify tabletop presentations.
  3. Name and describe equipment necessary for all styles of service.
  4. Demonstrate and practice rotation through dining room service jobs.
  5. Discuss, practice and successfully apply training techniques: sales, customer expectations, communication skills, proper safety and sanitation.
  6. Compare and contrast service through analysis of a designated NYC restaurant.


HMGT 1105, HMGT 1202


Course Procedures

Using a simulation format, you are part of an evolving process in which the classroom is a service delivery laboratory designed as a series of applied management scenarios.

Lab sessions are designed to provide maximum weekly understanding of the basics of quality service through:

  1. illustration of customer relations skills
  2. practice of standard procedures on a rotation schedule
  3. development of team work strategy
  4. knowledge of menu through communication and research
  5. appropriate use of critical thinking skills
  6. application of problem solving skills
  7. daily performance self awareness review



Course Materials

  • Two uniforms are required, it is the student’s responsibility to be dressed appropriately for each scheduled weekly lab meeting.
  • Student will participate as a group in a dining experience. A $25.00 fee will be associated with this lunch/dinner.
  • Operations manual (OM): Due the second lecture. Prepare, a personalized, plastic covered, 2” or 2 1/2” thick, 3 ring binder, labeled with your name clearly on the front and, corresponding table of contents with tabbed sections for:
  • calendar
  • lab rotation and menus: DR, culinary, baking, pastry
  • course syllabus followed by handouts
  • training manual
  • class notes/briefing “menu” worksheets, DR “jargon”
  • memos/service analysis drafts/abstracts
  • weekly current analyzed restaurant reviews
  • weekly self awareness exercise
  • Use your OM as a tool to review and analyze your weekly performance contribution. Observe service delivery challenges; take notes and record how problems are solved and plans of action formed.
  • Your OM will be viewed for completeness at midpoint and final class meetings.
  • You will lose 10 points from the entire term’s work if your OM is incomplete or missing in the final class.


Course Attendance

The department policy for attendance follows the rules printed in the college catalog (page 30):  “A student may be absent without penalty for up to 10% of the number of scheduled class meetings during the semester. 

            Lecture classes meeting 1 time/week for 15 weeks: 2 allowable absences

            Lecture classes meeting 1 time/week for 5 or 7 weeks: 1 allowable absence

            Laboratory classes meeting 1 time/week for 15 weeks: 1½ allowable absence

Every lateness (up to 10 minutes after the scheduled start time) equals ½ absences. As stated in the college catalog, “If a student’s class absences exceed the limit established for a given course or component, the instructor will alert the student that a grade of ‘WU’ may be assigned.”

The Above Policy Is Strictly Enforced.


Student Responsibilities:

  • Be on time and prepared daily!
  • Hone a ‘service attitude’.
  • Be courteous and respectful of all classmates.
  • Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
  • Proofread all written work.
  • Be neat, accurate, and thorough – details count.
  • Integrate information from related coursework.
  • Implement the four strategies for success:

                        Smile Factor-Menu Knowledge

                                    Standard Operating Procedures-Team Work


Grading Procedures

All 30 class meetings are considered in assessing your progress in the following manner:


                                      30 points        class performance

                                                                        attendance/complete uniform (15)

                                                                        self awareness exercise/action plan (15)

                                      15 points        weekly restaurant review reaction memo

  20 points        service analysis

                                      20 points        lecture assignments

                                      15 points        final self assessment analysis

            TOTAL            100 points


Point Scale:                                        A 93-100  points          A- 90-92.9 points

                        B+  87-89.9 points       B 83-86.9 points          B- 80-82.9 points

                        C+  77-79.9 points       C 70-76.9 points

                                                            D 60-69.9 points

                                                            F 59.9 –0 points 


Detailed Description of the HMGT2305 Assessment Strategy



30 points      Class Performance/Self Awareness Exercise: It is expected that you attend class in proper uniform and participate in a manner beneficial to the learning environment. Your grade will be assessed as follows: 

  • Class attendance and participation in complete and proper uniform
  • Performance as personally reflected in the self awareness exercise
  • The implementation of the four strategies for success
  • Appropriate use of dining room terms
  • Improvement of service skills throughout the semester


15 points      Weekly Restaurant Review Reaction: It is expected that you read the New York Times restaurant review every Wednesday and submit a reaction in the form of a memo the following class meeting. Your grade will be assessed as follows: 

  • Timely submission of reaction
  • Participation in class discussion
  • Use of specific and relevant examples as to why you would/would not dine in the reviewed restaurant


20 points      Service Analysis: Dine in a New York City restaurant known for impeccable service and review your experience. Using a specific guideline, you will incorporate the four points of judging a dining experience: food, service, ambiance and price/value. Your grade will be assessed as follows:

  • Proper use of restaurant review format
  • Effective analysis of the service quality
  • Use of descriptive language to communicate your dining experience
  • Thorough research of the selected restaurant


20 points      Lecture Assignments: Utilizing the text as a foundation, three (3) memos and a business letter will be assigned covering various service themes. Your grade will be assessed as follows:

  • Proper use of memo format/organization
  • Proper use of business style of writing to convey your thoughts and ideas


15 points      Service Practical: The final analysis will be a compilation of the strategies and techniques learned throughout the semester. Your grade will be assessed as follows:

  • Reflection and execution of techniques learned and utilized during service
  • Proper use of examples as support for the techniques exercised

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