Hello everyone! I hope all is well and everyone is safe and healthy. Also stay warm when you go out for a walk since the weather is getting chilly.
You probably have midterms coming soon or already take them. Either way, keep up with the good work and effort. Remember there is tutoring available if you need them.
Good News: next Monday, October 12th, the college will be closed and there are no classes Yaaaaaaay.
However, Wednesday, October 14th, will follow Monday schedule so if you have class on Monday remember to log in to class. If not, sleep all day (just kidding).
Here I have some information for you:
- The Student Government Association is responsible for advocating for the student’s wants/needs and voicing their concerns at different levels. Today there is an opportunity for you to be a part of that. In order for you to apply to be a senator, you must have a GPA of 2.5 or above, be in good standing with the college, be a full-time student (except for those applying to be a senator of part-time students), Must apply for the senator role of your respective academic school if applicable. The link for the application is below, please do keep in mind that part of this application requires that you record a video to answer questions. By completing that section, you’re consenting to your video being subjected to viewing by the Student Government Body to aid in the recruitment process. The Application will close on October 13, 2020, at 11:59 PM.
Here is the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KXEF8K9CetRbpq2_wNj5ytVRuPy4542K3a29auwMvcU/viewform?edit_requested=true
- NYPIRG’s Breaking Barriers: Navigating the Ballot event, this coming Monday, October 5th at 5 PM. Join NYPIRG and our Keynote Speaker CUNY Law Professor and Voting Rights, Constitutional Law Expert Frank Deale for a deep dive into how to make the most out of your vote in the upcoming 2020 General Elections! Space is limited, so RSVP now to be a part of the discussion.
RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjllsEfADKyMQtrnhpUxies4AckCjhIWQJPNJXA4MQmAjNpQ/viewform
- Having a virtual semester can be difficult, but no says you have to do it alone. Student Government Association presents a Mental Health Check-in. Come join your SGA Officers and The Counseling Center to talk about what concerns you have this semester and learn about the various resources that are provided for you.
Take a break for yourself and join us! We can’t wait to see you.
October 8th, 12:45- 2:00 PMPlease Feel Free to contact our VP of Activities & Events with any questions or concerns. SGAAE@citytech.cuny.edu
- Do you want to learn how to be more engaged in difficult conversations? Partnering with LeaderShape, we are hosting a workshop on courageous dialogue to teach students how to be more present and engaging in difficult conversations. Join us on Tuesday, October 6th at 12:30 PM via zoom with the information below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Passcode: 196871
I hope you have a great week ahead and enjoy Columbus Day!!
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