Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is doing great so far. This is most likely, not your first day of class in general, but it is your first day of HMGT 1101 class. I hope you enjoy this class as much as I did!
Here I have some links you might find useful!! 😉
—If you need computer or tablet for your coursework, you can borrow by filling this from —> https://www.citytech.cuny.edu/loaner
–If you need information about online learning tools and technology, here is a link for it —> http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/virtual/learn-anywhere.aspx
–Here is a list the contact information of important City Tech offices —> http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/virtual/virtual-offices.aspx
–Also, I want to share with you the Fall Academic Calendar —> http://www.citytech.cuny.edu/registrar/docs/fall_2020.pdf and some important dates:
Tuesday, September 1:
- Last day to drop for 75% refund
- Last day to add a class
- Last day for all program changes
- Financial Aid Certification Enrollment Status Date
- Last Day to drop without a withdrawal ‘W’ grade
Saturday, September 5-Monday, September 7:
- College Closed (Labor Day Holiday)
Tuesday, September 8:
- Last day to drop for 50% refund
–Another thing that you might be interested is in the Voter Registration Form Mailing Project which seek to inform and educate the community about all the ways they can vote. Here is a link !! —> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtmj-9cK0-Hy4bCS5LImc26aZ-8II47nKo4S9PQQOt8t_1wg/viewform
–If you are interested in assisting in the upcoming General Elections, register to participate in Peer to Peer Communications Program. Through this program, student organizations will sign-on to send out communications to their bases through social media and email regarding voter registration, absentee voting, and more in order to engage students during remote learning —> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCbX996v2Z1nB4A3hPAsGTmvSsBcRev93idHJtXcCgf1FnQQ/viewform
Now that you have reached the last part of this post, I have something that you might find very FUN!!
—Fall Activities and Events Survey to tell the Student Government Association what kind of events you would like to see —> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4oRGN1_ZzqG0EmbqUE8T2KyFl7ZJsraLGmaUVEQv2l3fMqQ/viewform
–And last but not least, a Virtual Welcome Back Bash for all returning and new students. It is a virtual celebration that will take place this Thursday 9/3 at 6 pm with a live DJ!! I think it is cool. If you want more information about it, let me know or reply to this post (:
Have a great week of learning!! Don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions.
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