bio on pamela

Pamela Kurz is a twenty eight year old women who is attending college the second time around. She was born and raised in Brooklyn New York and really doesn’t want to live any where else. Pamela graduated high school at Fort Hamilton High School. She earned an Associates degree in Liberal Arts at Borough of Manhattan Community College and is currently attending New York City College of Technology. Her major is Hospitality and Management because she wants to manage a spa, and in hopes of one day owning a spa. Her academic goals are to graduate with a Bachelors degree. She would also like to learn some cooking skills since she just recently learned how to cook. One of her greatest accomplishments in life so far is starting a family of her own. Pamela is engaged to an amazing, responsible, and hard working man. And they have an incredibly cute one year old son, named Nigel. She says she will accomplish her goal because she has to. Pamela plans on being a role model for her son. Showing him hard work pays off, by being the example for him. Pamela currently works in a dental office as a manager of the office and will use the experience she gains there when she has her own business to run. Some of her pass careers are sales girl in a bakery, dental assistant in a dental office, spa coordinator at Green Spa, dresser/shopper/maintainer in the wardrobe department on Broadway musicals, and of course the most demanding job of all, a mom. Her favorite thing in life to do is travel because she loves new and different cultural experiences. One of her favorite trips was a month vacation spent in Thailand. Pamela also really enjoys eating out, especially at her favorite restaurant Asia de Cuba. Along with those favorites is indulging at Jones Spa for a cold plunge and massage.

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