Aide Jimenez E- Profile Edit

My name is Aide Jimenez I’m a freshman in college and this is my first semester. As the semester comes to the end I have learned at lot from my classmates and professes. The one thing that stood out to me this semester was, how I was able to multitask with school work and work. I feel like I need more practice, but as time goes on I will hopeful be good at multitasking. Another thing that stood out was how patience I’m and how I work hard to get keep my work in balance.


My name is Aide Jimenez and since I was 12 I have admire decorating, and helping organized parties, but never did I thought I could study a filled and get paid for doing it. I have always loved how decoration was my escape and my the only thing in my mind, it had helped me focus to be patient and calm. I never thought that hotels attracted me so much that every time I saw a hotel I imagine how the decoration looked like inside I will used my imagination to picture it and play around in my head. when my college counselor told me that I can actually study the things that I love, I was shock and exited to start a new chapter in my life.

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