Category Archives: Brooklyn Bridge Park Submissions, Tuesday Class


Thank you for learning with me this semester. It was a pleasure to meet you and hope that you continue to be curious and engage in  your course work. See in in the wine class!!!!!

Brooklyn Bridge Park Reflection: Ecotourism

Group: Enrique, Lin, Sarah

Ecotourism Tourism focuses on preserving the natural environment of a location, while improving the economy of the locals. People who travel for this reason tend to stay away from impacting the location heavily and bring a positive atmosphere to the host (which goes vise versa.) An example of ecotourism include visiting underdeveloped countries or the habitats of endangered  species.  During out trip to Dumbo, we discussed how when developing the Brooklyn Bridge Park, those who constructed it used natural resources such as concrete for the big stairs which people use to sit on and view the Manhattan skyline. But it’s not so much the activities in the park that connect towards ecotourism, but how they improved the condition Dumbo was once in. That area was once all industry land with factories and landfill, but since the reconstruction it’s become more enjoyable for visitors to sit and relax in the greenery.  The area is definitely peaceful and ascetically pleasing since they’ve added trees, chairs and tables, and even placing the rocks by the water for people to sit and watch the skyline and boats pass by.

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Sports tourism means areas where there are sports events or activities that can be free, raising charity or even pre-paid.

My group is Sports Tourism: Angela, Jeffrey, Stephanie

In the Brooklyn Bridge Park, we saw many types of tourisms. My group was Sports Tourism. We are lucky because we have a whole section made for sports in the Brooklyn Bridge Park. There are so many kinds of sports available for people to participate in. Some types of sports include basketball, handball, soccer, ping pong, an area for rollerskating lots of area for running and more. During the summer, the park offers kayaking as well. It’s never really boring at the Brooklyn Bridge Park.


Brooklyn Bridge Park Visit

  1. Historical Tourism Group Members : Gharbia, Josefina, & Victoria

Historical Tourism: Tourists travel to a certain destination because of its historical significance.

Observations: Brooklyn Bridge Park was once a industrial location, Cargos were being shipped to and from the exact location.

A location to visit along the Brooklyn WaterFront is the WaterFront Museum located in Red Hook , The Brooklyn WaterFront museum houses the Leigh Valley RailRoad Barge 79-which was built to transport cargo shipments in 1914

Brooklyn Bridge Park Visit

Area of Tourism: Cultural Tourism

Cultural Tourism is tourism related to cultural interests or pursuits. Specifically art forms in the area you are touring.

People in my group: Bria, Shakeema, Guzman


As we were exploring Brooklyn Bridge Park, there was a specific area we visited which was the waterfront. As we were on the waterfront, my group discovered there was a poem written across the barrier from the water by Walt Whitman called “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”. This poem, that may resemble a song is an ode to the borough. Also, while walking around the waterfront, we found there were stones with pictures embedded into the ground that provided the history of when people first started taking the ferry to Brooklyn and showing where it all began.

Brooklyn Bridge Park Visit

Adventure tourism – Laura, Darlenis, Amanda

Adventure tourism is participating in physical and active activities as a tourist in a place that you could learn about the culture and heritage in that area. These activities do not have to be extreme like bungee jumping but it can be a hike or biking on a path.

Observations of activities: We noticed that Brooklyn Bridge Park has a lot of activities to offer like roller skating, biking, basketball, etc. Since Brooklyn Bridge Park is a fairly new area in Brooklyn, tourists can explore this area by simply walking through the park and finding these active activities. For example, there is a lot of open space which allows people to exercise in groups like yoga. All these activities that we saw are aimed towards every age group. Playgrounds are available for families and walking or biking are offered for adults.

Area of Tourism: Heritage Tourism

Heritage Tourism is traveling to places to experience the cultural and historical background of the people and to see essential artifacts used to represent the people who once lived, and thrived in the location.

People in my group: Nayalynn, Anita, and Jaycee


There is a pretty rich background and history when it comes to heritage at the Brooklyn Waterfront. One of the observations one of my group members made, Anita, was that slavery used to thrive in the Brooklyn waterfront. What I learned as well is that as a method of transporting slaves and goods in the early times, the docks would be used to travel and bring people to New York. Brooklyn, in general, thrived with the transport and trade of slavery and goods that soon incorporated a different culture and influence in what is now known as the Brooklyn Waterfront. In terms of the community surrounding the waterfront, Nayalynn observed that there was a post mentioning that the area was also known as the home to Brooklyn’s free black community.