Category Archives: Concierge Submission

Dale Campbell: Madison Square Garden

Madison Square Garden , MSG, or just simply just called The Garden is one of the most famous arenas in the United States and on of the most visited places visited in New York. MSG what we know today opened February 11, 1968. It is the home to New York’s own New York Rangers professional hockey team and the New York Knicks basketball team. MSG also host boxing matches, concerts, ice shows, circuses, professional wrestling matches ,and many other things. Madsion Square Garden Is located in midtown Manhattan between 7th and 8th Ave from 31st- 33rd street The first MSG was opened in 1879 on east 26 street and Madison avenue. The world most famous performer all wish to have sold out concerts there like Michael Jackson and The Beatles. About 320 events are held there every year.

N. (n.d.). Madison Square Garden | NYfacts. Retrieved October 31, 2016, from

Lily Cheung- Central Park (Tuesday class)

Central Park is one of the most famous parks in the world. Not only is it the first public park built in America, it is also one of the most frequently visited parks. There are over 25 million guests per year. Central park is located at the center of Manhattan. Central park is great for taking pictures of nature, riding a bike, taking a stroll, rollerblading, picnicking, and more. At Central Park, you can also rent a boat, visit the strawberry fields, visit the zoo where you can feed animals, go on a gondola ride and in the winter, you can ski or ice-skate. There are many activities that you can do in Central Park, which makes it a great place for families, friends and any kind of gatherings.

Central Park (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, 2016, from
NYC Parks (n.d.) Retrieved October 30, 2016, from

Karen Alarcon, High Line Park

Being a revitalized piece of New York City’s past, the High Line was first open to trains in 1934 through 1980 where the last train before it closed. It ran from 34th Street to St John’s Park Terminal, at Spring Street. It was designed to go through the center of blocks, rather than over the avenue, carrying goods to and from Manhattan’s largest industrial district. Today after it was opened to the public section by section from 2009 to 2014, the High Line has converted from an out-of-use railroad trestle to a public landscape entailed not only years of planning, community input, and work by some of the city’s most inventive designers, but also more than two years of construction per section with a planting design inspired by the self-seeded landscape that grew on the out-of-use elevated rail tracks during the 25 years after trains stopped running. The species of perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees were chosen for their hardiness, sustainability, and textural and color variation, with a focus on native species. Many of the species that originally grew on the High Line’s rail bed are incorporated into the park’s landscape.

About the High Line Park (n.d) Retrieved  October 30, 2016, from


Sarah Adams: Washington Square Park (Tuesday Class)

Exclusive to New York City, Washington Square Park has a great significance to our culture as it is a common ground for locals, tourists, musicians, and performers from all around the world. As the center of New York University, Washington Square Park is a gem that merges the history of our city with the social and cultural significance of the 21st century. With the evolution of the Washington Arch, designed by Stanford White between 1890-1892 and the monumental fountain, this park was redesigned to close traffic from Fifth Avenue. The reason why I have chose Washington Square Park is because it’s home to the peaceful area of Greenwich Village which is one of my favorite neighborhoods. The weight that Washington Square Park holds to the history of New York City is something that I want to discover so I can teach the people who come to visit more about our culture. Although Washington Square Park receives many visitors each day, I do not believe people understand the importance this park has compared to others in the city.

Washington Square Park. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2016, from


museum of natural history (Daniel Pelaez Guevara)

The Museum of Natural History was opened in 1869 for ” the study of all natural objects, animals, vegetables and mineral. The museum is a great attraction for people looking for family oriented sites to visit, being that “The museum offers a variety of participatory weekend workshops for children…”. The museum has “more than 40 exhibition halls” spread across the ” museum’s 570,000 square feet”. This large variety of attractions makes the musuem a place where people can spend all day enjoying themselves.

Michelle Chen- Greenarce Park (Tuesday’s Class)

In the mid 1900s, human population has been increasing exponentially in the central of New York City. In response to mass population, high cost of city center land, and the need to access a park after hours, the Greenarce Park was designed and built by Hideo Sasaki and with the help of DeMay Associates, Masao Kinoshita and Tom Wirth.  One of the reasons why I chose this park is because in the heart of New York City, Greenarce Park has a waterfall in the middle of it all. This park is covered with massive and lush plants and a waterfall at the entrance to greet its guests. This park creates a environment that separates from the busy, live, and condense environment that New York portrays. In a way, this park allows one to escape from congested and loud environment. Sasaki created a vibrate and soft landscape to contrast the brick and steel adjacent buildings. Specifically, the waterfall eliminates the sound of traffic by how it cascades down the wall and leads down to the main fountain of the park. Greenarce Park plays a significant role in creating a separate space that isolates from the dense and highly populated areas of New York City.

B. (n.d.). Greenacre Park. Retrieved October 27, 2016, from


The Statue of Liberty is one of the most significant and famous monument of New York, The United States and around the entire world. It is located on the island of liberty island south of Manhattan, near the mouth of the Hudson River and closed to the Ellis Island which have a lot to do with the history of immigration in the united states; The same ferry that takes you to the “Statue of Liberty” goes to the Ellis Island. The statue of Liberty was a gift from France to Americans in 1886 to commemorate the centennial of the United States Declaration of Independence as a symbol of friendship between the two nations and freedom!

The Statue Of Liberty (RAFAEL DOMINGUEZ)

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most significant and famous monument of New York, The United States and around the entire world. It is located on the island of liberty island south of Manhattan, near the mouth of the Hudson River and closed to the Ellis Island which have a lot to do with the history of immigration in the united states; The same ferry that takes you to the “Statue of Liberty” goes to the Ellis Island. The statue of Liberty was a gift from France to Americans in 1886 to commemorate the centennial of the United States Declaration of Independence as a symbol of friendship between the two nations and freedom!

Ri Dong Zheng – New York Transit Museum (Tuesday) (Edited)

The New York Transit Museum is significant to the culture of New York, because the whole city is on top of a vast transit system. It is “impossible to imagine New York without a mass transit system.” New York City has always depended on this “network of transportation routes and systems for its vitality and development.” It is New York’s “lifeline” as it ensures “workers can get to their jobs,” life-sustaining and life-enriching goods can get to the marketplace,” and satisfy New Yorkers’ “requirements for travel and recreational pursuits.” Founded in 1976, the New York Transit Museum tells and preserves the “stories of mass transportation” and its impact on New York City.

Edited: Additional source:

Christopher Perez (Tuesday Class)- The New York Botanical Garden

The New York Botanical Garden,  a place for study and research as well as enchantment and exploration. This garden features more than a million plants on two hundred and fifty acres. The Botanical guarantees that you’ll forget that you’re in the middle of the city, the history of this ravishing garden started during the nineteenth century civic movement in New York City to create a cosmopolitan world capital.  Its research on plants used by people around the world and in its programs in the Bronx, strives to document cultural knowledge about plants as well as their habitats, and to promote solutions to environmental problems that preserve and respect both biological and cultural diversity. It’s an essential piece to New York culture because of their diversity of plants and research which contributes to places around the entire globe.

Plants and Fungi: Ten Current Research Stories. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2016, from