Author Archives: Gabriella Espinal

Gabriella Espinal

My experience in the kitchen started when I was about ten almost eleven years old. I learned how to cook on my own. I learned by observing and asking questions, which has helped me out a lot. At first I thought about going to culinary school after I graduated high school. However, I decided to pursue a career in psychology, which didn’t work out. I then changed my major again and transferred from Queens College to City TECH. Now, I am looking into the Hospitality Management major with a concentration in culinary. I have never cooked professionally or worked in anything related, but I have always enjoyed making new dishes at home. In the future I hope to become a well-known chef, with my own restaurant. I would like to own more than one restaurant and hopefully travel the world. I believe my strength is that I am creative, and I love to try new things. Hopefully my creativity helps me achieve my goals.