Hey guys, My name is Ben and I am 18 years old currently in my first year of college. The plan for now is that I get my bachelors degree in hospitality management. When it comes to future planning and where I want to be, I can be very indecisive. I thought I liked cooking, then I changed my mind to baking and now it’s.I don’t know what I want to be yet but I do know it’s going to be something where I can meet new people everyday and interact with them. Maybe I’ll stick to catering events who knows. I would say I’m a very outgoing and open person. I like to play pretty much any sport, listen to music any chance I get, play video games, and travel different parts of the world. When I travel with my family we explore as much as we can, this can range from any tourist attractions, food, or just hiking in some random part of the country.