Ive changed my mind a lot. Ive gone from wanting to be a technical engineer to an interior designer to then an Event planner. These weren’t things in where I would wake up one day and just change my mind, yet they were all influenced by my experience in high school. Honestly, interior design was my number one option, but the career path is way too expensive for a person like me to be able to afford. So I started to look into what Im best at and where I strive as a person. I remember for my sophomore year I got offered the opportunity to plan my schools Military ball. It’s a yearly event that we do for the Cadets to take time to just enjoy with one another and not think about “we have to practice this routine for competition” or ” all of you are on the wrong step”. The military ball was a time to dress up in your most fancy clothes, eat some great food, and dance till you feet felt like if you just had a whole drill session. I remember, Sgt. Carr giving full reins. ” I believe that anything you do will be amazing”. Now having that much trust from a person feels great to be a 16 year old. Looking back at it I think I chose this career path because of the liberated that I felt. I had a team that helped me, but I don’t think it would’ve felt the same to be a person in the team rather than being the person running the team. In my following years of high school I grew way more than I though I would. Being skills president and running fund raisers and weekly lunches, being leader of the robotics club, leading meetings with the principle. I took every thing that I enjoyed doing during my free time in high school and made it into a career (well at least hopefully, soon to be my future career). Aside from that, it just satisfies me when you have everyone just waiting to see what you did, and then you open the doors and you just see they’re faces. I would give anything to see those faces over and over every day for the rest of my life. So, Event planning is for me.