Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101



I’m a first year in city tech, my major is in hospitality management, I like to go out with friends and I like culinary arts. the reason why I chose hospitality management is because the hospitality industry interests me, but im a little unsure for my future. I mostly want to be a chef in a Japanese restaurant, but who knows what the future holds for me. I hope this semester will help me have a clearer path to what I want to do.


  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Next semester you will begin to learn the responsibilities of being in a professional kitchen. It will help you learn more about your strengths.

  2. Jeffrey Vegas

    Some good traits of mine that would work well in my field is my altruism and my teamwork. Altruism is good in the kitchen because helping others is good so that the process of cooking food is faster. Teamwork is also good because if I work well on a group and remember my role in the team, I would be making the process faster. In my opinion, the skills that I need to develop is the hands-on skills, and my time management. If I know the hands-on work as a cook, I could achieve better performance for the restaurant. My time management skills are poor so, if I get experience, I can move faster and efficiently. These skills are most important as a cook because you want things fast so that you don’t keep people waiting.

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