As the author of my project #2 I would like to talk about my own work. The reason why I was interested in this topic in the first place is because of my love for seafood, and becoming a chef. Because of these two factors it makes me want to learn more about the ingredients that I am cooking with.I feel like if I research more on topics that relate to the line of work that I would like to be in, I feel like I will be more knowledgable and aware of my ingredients, history. In this case, me talking about oysters made me feel like I am well versed about how extinct they are in places like New York cities harbors.

In my new composition, I would like to talk about how I would like to improve my mistakes from project 2 and make my work better.In order to do this I would have to do more research on my topic, and do some self teaching on my subject so that I can thoroughly understand my topic. When I understand my topic its much easier to make and create a better project so that I will feel better about my work. from my last work I learned how much oysters costed, how it was produced, eaten, disposed of, and used. These topics knowledge where gained from self teaching myself about the history on these oysters.

The purpose of making this project is to inform my readers on how there used to be a vast and thriving oyster colony right under New Yorkers’ noses. I want my audience to learn about the old status that New York had, which is “The worlds largest oyster capital” When my readers read my piece they will come out becoming well informed on new works history, and old marine ecosystem. I also want to convey the consequences of pollution, and overhunting on ecosystems like old New York. the type of audience that I am trying to redirect my piece to is other students like myself who are interested in culinary history. I feel like it would be nice to inform people who have the same interests as I do and want to learn the history of places like New York. Some critiques that my audience will give me is how little evidence I gave. If I provided more evidence to my project I know that my statements will become much clearer and direct to my readers. In my Project, Ive used a logos type of appeal because I feel much safer to use facts rather than to use emotions in my writing. The type of tone that I gave to my project is a informal tone, I wanted the reader to know that this was a research that was conducted by me so that I would gain new knowledge on a topic that I’ve never done before. I feel like the people who are in the general HMGT major, can be able to understand my tone.


The reason why I’ve chosen my genre which is a photograph genre is because I am very comfortable with these types of works. I feel like this genre would be good for my audience because if I show my comfortability in this subject, they get better results of what im trying to convey from others work, compared to me doing a genre that I am not familiar with. One feature that made me like this genre is how interesting it is. When I get into the topic that I am researching, I feel like just learning something new is interesting.I get a chance of learning something new, and then becoming more knowledgable to the subject in the long run. Another feature that I like about this genre is how accessible it is. Anyone can look at a picture and see the events happening. But when you have context on the events that are happening the picture can be more than that, it can be somewhat of gaining historical significance to new works history. the last feature I like about this topic is by how informal it is. in the picture you clearly see what a typical day is like for an old oyster bar in old New York City.

So how did I make this text? By putting my experiences up and describing them as my journey to make this statement, I am able to make a clear statement about my work and my thoughts while making it. From my initial idea for this statement, of just saying how I made my work, to how I felt while making it makes me feel better to write rather than just explaining just my work portion. while making this I was searching for a genre to look for, but I just went with what interested me the most, photographs, because of how much one photo can say a lot about a time period or its topic.

Overall, I feel like this project made me feel well when explaining my feelings throughout the process of making it. one thing that I felt like was a bit off was my understanding of the genre portion. I felt like choosing a genre was hard, considering there was a lot of options.In the end I just stuck with something simple, yet complex, a photograph. Any changes that I feel like I would make is that I would balance how I described my work throughout this statement. I feel like I described my feelings and little amount about my work.If I had all the time in the world, I would probably give a more clear genre for my readers With these new skills that I have learned I feel like I am more informed on a topic upon reflecting back on my work.